Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Day adventures

The kids got the jeep they asked for; I was happy with chocolate & my new shades!
Gary got another pearl snap shirt and the puppies got candy cane rawhide bones.
We had a nice relaxing day.
Daddy and the kids played in the snow...yep we had snow on Christmas Eve that didn't melt, so they played all afternoon on Christmas day in the snow!
A Christmas to remember :))

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  1. Love the shades! I'm sure the kids will have many adventures in their new jeep. We got snow yesterday...just a few days late and just in time to go back to work. Happy Monday!

  2. Such cute sunglasses! I love that Layla is so excited about the candy boys love to get candy at Christmas!

  3. Love their faces...they will have so much fun in that jeep! Such cute pictures ;) You're so nice to your doggies, too...Skipper never gets anything, haha! Maybe an extra treat that day or something :)


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