Monday, December 21, 2009

CHRISTmas Light Driving

One of my favorite CHRISTmas traditions is to...

load up in the car and drive around aimlessly looking at all the decorations people use to celebrate the season. We saw a ton of ugly really go all out to make their homes look crazy. We also saw some cool stuff...of course I would like the Texas lights. {wouldn't want it in my yard, but it was okay to look at}

In between bites of sugar cookie, Layla reported that she really likes colored lights, but doesn't want to hurt our feelings. She likes them, we don't. I let her know that honesty was good, but don't expect colored lights on our home anytime soon.

Hayden also munched on freshly baked sugar cookies, and then babbled as loud as he could. He loves to make noises with his lower know hum and then play with your lower lip. It makes for a silly, comical sound. He has turned into quite the funny little guy. He had all four of us cracking up like crazy at his silly~ness.

Not the best picture, but here is my favorite house we saw last night!

Oh...that is our house...HA! Silly me ;)

Do you decorate the outside of your house?
Do you go Christmas light driving?

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  1. Your house looks so cute! I like white lights on my house too...and my kiddos love the colored lights! We drove around Saturday night and the boys decided to count the houses with lights! They got bored around #60!

  2. You are funny. I wish we put out lights this year, maybe next year. I love the Miss Layla loves color too!

  3. You're so funny! YOur house looks great! WE always say the same about ours when we get home, "Wow! Look at that house! Doesn't it look awesome!" haha! I like white lights too, but Dan likes colored, so we have to compromise :) Sounded like a fun night!

  4. we are simple white lights, too. I love to look at the other...more fun stuff...and I am glad that other folks indeed do that. ;)


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