Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas & Me

I saw this fun questionnaire on a blog last year, and decided to do it this year. I hope your retinas don't bleed reading all about the things I like about Christmas.
Colored lights or white lights?
White lights, and thankfully that is something Gary and I have always agreed on.
Real tree or fake tree?
Fake, and once again Gary and I agree on that too...he is allergic to real trees.
What is your least favorite thing about the holidays?
It makes me crazy when family can't get along, but I guess that is just part of it. I am a peace maker and want to see everyone happy, but at some point someone in the family has to act like a goof.
What is your favorite holiday smell?
Who is your favorite reindeer?
It is a toss up between Prancer & Blitzen why? I have no clue?
What is your Christmas Eve ritual?
Gary and I started this tradition when Layla was itty bitty...we get to open one gift...a new set of pajamas. We put them on and gather around the fire and just be together as a family of four in our new pj's.
Are you a Friday after Thanksgiving shopper?
What is your favorite holiday food?
I love honey glazed ham, and sugar cookies. I really like all food, but those are my two favs.
How did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
I honestly can't remember...isn't that terrible
Have you bought all your presents yet?
I still need to get a few gifts. I haven't gotten gifts for either one of our mothers yet.
Do you still make snowmen and snow angels?
Oh yes...with the kids. Those are awesome moments. I'm hoping for snow for Christmas this year....Layla wants it so bad!
Do you still have snow ball fights?
Um yep...if we have snow!!
What's your favorite Christmas movie?
Duhhhh....Christmas Vacation
What do you plan to do for New Year's Eve?
Usually it is pretty low key. Gary and I like to stay home and have some friends over, put the kids to bed and play games.
What's the most expensive thing you've ever gotten for Christmas?
A ski trip to Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I had never been skiing before, and Gary bought me the whole ski get-up jacket, bibs, gloves, goggles...all of it. IT was awesome. But when I got there I couldn't ski, so I was very embarrassed!
How early do you wake up on Christmas morning?
We wake up when the kiddos wake us...usually after 7am.
What do you usually get in your stocking?
Candy, fuzzy sleep socks, gloves, a scarf...mostly practical things I will use.
What is your favorite religious Christmas carol?
O Little Town of Bethlehem
What is your favorite non-religious Christmas song?
A Song on the Alabama Christmas CD... Tonight is Christmas. I am such a nerd....I ♥ that CD. It is on my iPod and I wear it out daily!
How long do you leave up your Christmas decorations?
We usually take them down the day after New Years Day.
Your turn!!!!


  1. One of our Christmas Eve traditions is to open up one gift (being new pjs) too!! I love getting my new pjs on Christmas Eve and wearing them Christmas morning...good for photo ops. :) I ♥ Christmas Vacation too!

    Fun survey!

  2. Dana Riggs Case told me Santa wasn't real on the playground (on the old tractor tire) at our day-care (next to the restaurant) when we were in the 3rd grade. Clearly it made quite an impression on me!! :)

  3. I love these questionarre's!!! So fun!! Love the new blog look at the top, cute pics!

  4. We open pj's on Christms Eve too! Love that tradition and plan to carry it on with my little ones someday! Cute blog & even cute kiddos!!!

  5. Yeah, that was supposed to day "even CUTER kiddos".

  6. I liked your Christmas survey! Very cute. I agree I like white lights and we use a fake tree (so much easier!) Your family is so cute!

  7. I loved reading this and learning more about you. I will ahve to use this.

  8. My family has always had the tradition of opening up pj's on Christmas Eve too!!! Thanks for sharing your Christmas answers!!

    Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  9. so cute! I'm going to have to add this to my already started survey! Love it!


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