Thursday, December 17, 2009

CHRISTmas Party!

Gary has been traveling so much, and I was so happy that he was able to take the day off yesterday to go with us to Layla's Preschool CHRISTmas party and pageant.
After the presentation Hayden and Gary headed home, and Layla and I had a ton of fun doing all the 'party activities.' I was so thankful to NOT have to chase Hayden around the classroom. I got to spend quality time with Layla, her classmates, teachers, and other mommies. It was priceless!!!

Layla and Emma Kate waiting patiently for birthday cake.

The cake looked so good!! I almost snuck a bite, but am trying really hard to be good!

We decorated Christmas cookies, a tree and a gingerbread man.

Layla and her classmates made reindeer food...Layla is sprinkling glitter in the bowl.

Here is the book Layla got while participating in the book exchange.

Here is a fun picture of the moms helping the kiddos decorate gingerbread houses.

LK with icing on her chin!

What party would be complete without PIZZA?
I had so much fun, maybe more than Layla...teehee...NAhhhh!
We are very thankful for her preschool!


  1. It looks like a great party! I am glad you got to spend some time with your sweet girl.

  2. Hi new follower here!
    Just want to say Happy Holidays!

  3. That is one of Jack's favorite books. Looks's always nice to have a break and be able to focus on just one child, isn't' it?

  4. That is a pretty big party for preschool. I bet they loved it, and it sounds like you did too.

  5. What a sweet party! I'm glad Gary was able to be there and then you were able to enjoy the party. We didn't take Caleb to Jamison's performance tonight and it was kind of nice to be able to focus on just Jamison. And no, no party is complete without pizza. Love Layla with the frosting on her chin.

  6. pk @ Room Remix
    Looks like a fun time for all! Layla's such a cutie! Have a great weekend...

  7. I love Layla's outfit, so cute!! Glad your hubby was able to make it! I love the kids Christmas parties, got 2 today!

  8. That looks like a really fun party! I really like their SUPER cute placemats! Did you get to take them home?!? I did two parties in less than an hour today:)

  9. What cute pictures...I love all the little girls with bows and Christmas dresses! Too cute! So glad you could spend such precious time with Layla, it's nice to have that one on one time with the kids :)

    Looked like lots of FUN!


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