Thursday, December 3, 2009

Five Minute Fudge

I have been making this fudge recipe since Rachael Ray was on Oprah back in 2005. I remember watching the Oprah episode thinking I can do this!

Layla was a little tooter pants lying on a blanket cooing and kicking. I was a new stay at home mom with a need to be more domestic and there you have it a fudge maker was born.

(i found this pic @ google images)

12 ounce package semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup butterscotch chips
14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
8 ounce can walnuts (optional)

Here how to do it:

Pour the chocolate and butter scotch chips condensed milk and vanilla into a medium saucepan over low heat.
Stir the chips and milk until they melt together, about 3 minutes. Stir in nuts. Pour fudge into a greased pan, place in fridge and chill until firm. Cut the fudge into thin slices to serve.

That's it~so easy, fast & yummy!!


  1. I'll have to show this to my mom because she LOVES fudge and this looks super easy.

  2. Yummo! I have all of those ingredients except the butterscotch chips...I wonder if peanut butter chips would work?!? I may be hitting the baking isle at the grocery store today:)

  3. I love making and eating fudge! So easy and yummy!

  4. That recipe sounds really good! My baby girl has all kinds of food restrictions so I can't make it, but I could EAT it!! I might have to get some girlfriend to make it for me and let me sneak a few pieces when I'm away from my daughter... I love me some fudge.

  5. Sounds so yummy and REALLY really easy! I just wrote it down. I'll be giving it a try soon!!

    Hope you're having a great week!

  6. That sounds delish! I think I need to go make fudge now...

  7. I am so in the baking/cooking mood today!!


  8. i love fudge....

    i can't wait to try this recipe :o)

  9. I have a great idea... You can make some and send it to me!! :o)

  10. yummy!! Thanks Angie, sounds so good and easy !

  11. That sounds SO simple!! I will have to try this recipe!! Thanks for posting!

  12. pk @ Room Remix

    I LOVE fudge and I LOVE that it only takes 5 minutes! :-) Thanks for the recipe - I'll be making it for Christmas.


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