Thursday, December 31, 2009

In a few hours it will be Twenty Ten

Wow....I can't believe this will be my last post for 2009!
This year has mostly been good to our family ... I am so thankful for these four people!
I love the fun times we have had.

Here we are the other night taking pics with our new tripod...which I love.
Santa knows me so well!! As you can see I am really makeup.

The kiddos are loving on me! They have mostly been playing with dad since my surgery! I am glad to have them playing with me again. I missed being their primary care giver and provider. Dad did a wonderful job as always!

In PJ's again...we really do have clothes....
Layla reading about research papers...gotta start her early!

Just a bunch of silliness going on here.

My two favorite guys!
Happy New Year!
I am so excited to have some really great friends over tonight to ring in the new year. Santa brought them a fondue pot and so we are fondue~ing it tonight! WHOOPP...I love fondue!
Since we have been hibernating it will be fun to be around friends again!


  1. Such cute pictures! Happy New Year! Have fun fondue~ing it tonight:)

  2. You look awesome for just having surgery! Happy New Years! A new year always freaks me out for a little while...just a few days, then I'm OK with it!

  3. Gorgeous family! Jammies are the best and it is great that you are enjoying them. Have fun tonight with your fondue...yum! Happy New Year Friend!!!!

  4. Hope you had a good time! Happy New Year!

  5. Happy new year friend! I love these pics, I need a tripod, my husband would love that! :) Hope you are feeling better!

  6. Lots of great pics! Fondue...oh so fun. Happy New Year!


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