Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Snow in Texas

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  1. All I can say is I AM SO JEALOUS! We never get snow down boys won't even know what it was! I saw your tweet earlier in the day...and I have been jealous since then! I hope y'all had a blast playing in it!!

  2. One of my TX bloggy friends was just telling me about the snow this morning!! Crazy!

  3. AWESOME! It's just cold and overcast here. How does Waco always miss the good stuff???

  4. How fun. It snowed all day here too. But it's normal here, not in TX. Hope you guys had fun!

  5. WOW! Is that common? We are actually forcasted to get flurries here which is almost unheard of in the deep south!

  6. That is a sight my kids will never see in their front yard!

  7. I know was that NOT freaky this morning and we may be getting MORE! It looks like you got more than we did in Fort Worth. Looks like you took full advantage of a good snow day! Yay!

  8. I heard that Texas got snow this week! How is it that Texas did and we still have not up here in Cleveland? It looked like the kids had a blast playing in it.


  9. so FUN! there are flurries in our forecast tonight, but we'll see what we get in the morning! What cute pictures! They look like they're enjoying it! so cute!

  10. YAY!!! What fun pictures!! What fun times for your kids! I am hoping we get some of that snow on Friday that they are calling for.

  11. Whoa! We haven't even had snow stick like that here in Ohio. It snowed the day after Thanksgiving but didn't stick. I don't think I'm ready.

  12. I heard that Texas got snow!! How exciting! :) We still haven't got any yet here in OK...just a few flurries yesterday.

  13. Man, I wish we Okies would have gotten some! Instead it rained, and then turned off bitter cold. Cute pics of the kiddos!


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