Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tasty Treats

Layla & I made and decorated these tasty CHRISTmas treats for our family & our neighbors.
I made fudge, cupcakes, sugar cookies and rice crispy treats.
I love giving yummy treats for holiday gifts, and a double bonus is that it is really fun!!
Jesus is the Reason for the Season


  1. Yes HE is! I love rice crispy treats...I should make some. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  2. That's right! The cupcakes are too cute!

  3. Yummy! The cupcakes are too cute! I made your fudge recipe the other day but with peanut butter chips instead of butterscotch and it was so yummy! I didn't get a picture because we ate it too fast!

  4. Yummy...those all look so delicious! Merry Christmas! ;)

  5. I love cooking and baking things for my family, friends, and neighbors. That was so sweet of you all! I am sure they loved that.

    Have a blessed and Merry Christmas!!


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