Monday, December 14, 2009

Changes in the weather

The weather here in Texas never ceases to amaze me!

We went from this...

to this!

The first day of December we had snow, and now we have sun and a 70 degree Sunday.

We had fun playing outside all afternoon, and it was good while it lasted!

It is gonna get cold again tomorrow, and then the little bit of green grass we still have will be brown.


  1. Sounds like AZ except we had lots of rain and cold and supposed to be 70 this week!

  2. The weather here has been crazy too! First it finally got cold, then it rained for weeks, and now it is back in the 70's and rainy still! Yuck...rain is no fun at Christmas!

  3. Yep...when I left Dallas on Thursday, it was 25 degrees....when I got back on Sunday, I couldn't believe that it was 70!!! haha

  4. ya the weather has been crazy in missouri too! weird stuff! :)

  5. I know what you mean...GA is like that too. It's like...pick a season and go with you!!

  6. Its funny you mentioned this because my hubby went to TX yesterday for business

    and I said..." um, according to my bloggy friends, there is a ton of snow in TX right now.. you might want to pack a lot of warm stuff"

    Then we looked at and saw it was around 70 all week... he thinks I'm a liar!

  7. I so wish we would have gotten some of that snow!! The weather here is crazy and my system can't seem to adjust!

  8. now it is back in the 70's and rainy still! Yuck...rain is no fun at Christmas!

    Work from home India


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