Monday, December 28, 2009

White Christmas

Can you believe it snowed in Texas?

We had the 1st White Christmas I can EVER remember!

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It was a Christmas miracle!
Since I was under the weather it was just our little family on Christmas Day, BUT there was plenty of action. I vegged out and Dad and the kids had fun playing and building a snow man.
We invited our families over on Saturday after Christmas and had a great time celebrating. I will post some fun pics of us all together soon. I took so many pictures I haven't even looked at them yet. I was the designated photographer...that is really all the effort I could put forth.
I am starting to feel better, each day the pain lessens.
Thanks for all your prayers :))


  1. We got our snow yesterday...just a little late. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I just love snow...I hope your feeling better. I hope your family and you had a very Merry Christmas!

  3. I feel just awful that I didn't know about your surgery! I'm so sorry you've been in pain over the Holiday girl! Not fun!

    Also, very jealous of your snow... wishing we had some here.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Wow I can't believe you got snow! Looks beautiful!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

  5. What a beautiful white Christmas! Hope you are doing a little better!

  6. Glad you're starting to feel better and how cool to have a White Christmas!

  7. SNOW!
    How cool.
    Hope you feel better soon!

  8. I am still so jealous of the snow! The kiddos' snowman looks SUPER cute! I'm glad you are feeling better too!

  9. So glad your surgery went well and that you are feeling better! Wasn't all that snow amazing? We live in central OK and got 14 inches!!! My little guy loved it.

  10. How fun!! I don't think I have ever had a white Christmas! Hope you are feeling better!

  11. Looks like you had a great holiday!

    I am new to your blog, please pop on by and check out my blog and follow if you would like. It is very nice to "meet" you!

  12. Look at all that snow!!! I have to say I am a tad jealous!! I miss the snow so much!! I have been praying for you!!


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