Monday, January 25, 2010

Fun weekend with GREAT friends

Korey and Jenn came to town for a visit.
Korey's birthday is on the 20th, and Gary's on the 22nd. The guys wanted to celebrate we did. We hadn't seen them in FOREVER, and it was awesome to hang out with them.
Friday night when Korey and Jenn arrived we put the kids to bed and just caught up. It was so fun hanging out and playing dominoes.
Jenn is a runner, and so Saturday morning she talked me into a 2.5 mile run. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I haven't really done much exercise since my surgery. I'm so glad I went. After a lazy afternoon. Susan (Gary's sister) came over to hangout with the kids.
Jarred and Shelby met up with us and we were off for some fun.

We went to Baja, a yummy hole in the wall Mexican restaurant. I love this picture, Gary and I look ok, but the funniest part is the WARNING on the wall. I didn't even realize the warning was in the pic until I downloaded it.
And I totally forgot my THANK YOU Jenn for giving me your camera for the night!

(Gary, Angie Jarred, Shelby, Jenn & Korey)

Here is the whole group.
We had so much fun. I am so thankful for my friends. I really needed a night out. After Baja we went to The Mule Barn to see Joey Green play some Texas country music. Gary and I of our favorite things to do. After dancing and my run...whew I was pooped out and sore on Sunday! My leggies were like jello all day.

Us three girls had fun people watching.
Oh the things we saw...and I took some pictures of some randomness. That is for another post, another day. Gosh, I need to get out more....people are just crazy.
The above picture is hysterical...these two girls were really into deep conversation!
Thank you Aunt Susie for hanging out with Layla and Hayden so we could have a fun night :) And thanks to our buddies for making the trip to see us!


  1. It sounds like you had a great weekend...2.25 mile run and all! I love the pic of you and Gary! That warning is too funny:)

  2. What a fun group! I love the picture of you two, you look great...and that warning is hilarious!

    I haven't danced in a LONG time...I'm not sure I even know how these days, haha! Sounds like an awesome weekend! friends are the best!

  3. Always good to get some adult time out!

  4. Hanging out with friends is one of the best things in the world! I'm so glad you enjoyed.

  5. What a great weekend with friends!! Looks like y'all had a blast, nothing beats time with great friends!

  6. How fun! Gotta love time with good friends!


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