Sunday, January 3, 2010

Go Cowboys...Beat the Eagles

We are watching some football...cheering on the home team!
I'm enjoying my day.
We filled our tummies with lunch at OTB (OnTheBorder).
Now, I am loving lying in front of the fire, reading the latest copy of The Food Network magazine, eating Starburst candies, watching my FAV team ;)
Life is good y'all.


  1. I saw OTB in one of your tweets and wondered where you were eating....obviously we don't have On The Border near us:) Yummy snacks and watching a little football sounds like a fun night to me! BTW I love the new pics on your sidebar!

  2. That does sound good...except I can't root for the Cowboys bc my husband might divorce me (Giants fan). I have to try On the Border.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful afternoon for you! SO glad the Cowboys shut out the nasty Eagles!!!!

  4. I love food network ANYTHING. I record 5 ingredient fix! I guess I'm on a Claire Robinson kick lately! Such easy recipes :)

  5. Sounds like a great day. Saw your pics on twitter from lunch, so cute!!

  6. WOO HOO! Cowboys kicked some bootay! Two shutouts in a row! Love my boys!!!!


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