Sunday, January 31, 2010

Got a haircut...actually, he got 'em all cut

Hayden got his first haircut yesterday.

We were out and about running errands and decided to hit Sport Clips.

He did so good, and sat very still...

Until the end and then he was done...Bless his heart!

Excuse the background...I forgot to take pics at Sport Clips because he was upset.
Uggg...why didn't I pic the cereal aisle??
I finally remembered in the grocery store....on the wine aisle.

I think he looks so big now!


  1. he really does! So cute! Melody hasn't even had a "real" haircut yet!

  2. Haircuts always make them look so much older :( But it's so cute! I remember when Dan took Alex to get his hair all buzzed off for the first time, I was so sad...but that's the only way it works now! So funny in the wine aisle! LOL!

  3. I love how Gary is holding his face still! He is so cute, he looks so much older. So handsome!

  4. He is just way too cute!!! It's always nice they let the little ones sit on Mom or Dad's lap.

    And yay for wine aisles! I think they're my fav's!!

  5. Such a big boy! He's so handsome.

  6. So cute! I love the way little boys look right after a new haircut! All nice and clean cut:)

  7. lolllllllllllllllllllll i started laughing so hard! his haircut is adorable no matter what aisle he was on!


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