Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Gary

I am so blessed that God choose me to be your wife.
You are awesome Gary...the kids and I love you to the moon and back.
Or as Layla says...'til our arms touch in the back.


  1. Happy Birthday to Gary! Such cute pictures of a daddy and his kiddos! I love the one with Layla on his shoulders.

  2. Happy Birthday Gary! He sounds like a great hubby and dad.

  3. You are the sweetest Angie...thank you and I love you. I am truly the lucky one here!

  4. Oh, that is so sweet...Happy Birthday! What great pictures! I love Layla's saying ;)

    Have a wonderful day with your special man!

  5. This is so sweet! I can tell you have a great husband and your kids have a great dad. I hope Gary has a great birthday and you all get to do something fun together.

  6. I hope your hubby has a very happy and blessed birthday! Enjoy celebrating together!

  7. Happy Birthday to your hubby! Hope you all have a fantastic day today!

  8. That's cute! Happy birthday to your guy!

  9. How cute that he left a comment for you! Happy b-day to your guy.


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