Friday, January 8, 2010

I think this may be one of the best purchases ever!

Using cookie cutters the way they were intended can be costly when it comes to calories.

So we took a different approach!
I can't believe how long these little cookie cutters kept Layla busy.

She was creating all sorts of beautiful artwork.
She was drawing and tracing and coloring like mad.

We have had a million freezing cold days here in Texas.
It has been fun because we have been in our PJ's for 3 days now.
{we changed into clean ones each day...ha!}
But, I have had to think of activities to keep us from going nutso!
What kind of fun crafts/activities do you do on cold/PJ days?


  1. Oh cookie cutters are endless!! They are also great with paint to make prints or glue and then glitter. and play dough too! Sorry that would be my preschool teacher side lol marble painting, salad spinner painting and no mess finger painting are great ideas too, I will have to put those on the side bar of my blog.

  2. Jamison would LOVE those. We do a lot of coloring around here.

  3. What a great way to use cookie cutters!! I am going to give that a try. And, it gives me another idea! My daughter and I are re-doing her bedroom to a Japanese Garden theme and she wants flowers and butterflies stenciled on her walls. I just happen to have cookie cutters of both! Yay, thanks for the inspiration!!

    We love pajama days at our house. I "dreamt them up" one lazy Saturday a couple years ago when I didn't feel like doing a single thing that day. We do them every so often and normally we watch movies, play games or read. We've also been known to visit the drive thru in our PJ's, too... :)

    Have a great weekend!!

  4. We have the exact same set and we have used it for a million things, rarely cookies though lol.

    No cold days here really so nothing any different than any other time!

  5. I have that same set! I just make cookies with them though -- could explain that extra 5 lbs that won't come off... hehe!

  6. HOw creative are you?! I would have never thought to have done that with cookie cutters! So fun! I am so over these cold days, I am ready for the 70 degree days again.


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