Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Superbowl Pic

I am a HUGE Cowboys fan. Always will be...they are my team.

But my second favorite NFL team is the Chargers, and my third favorite team is...

The Saints!

(images from google images)

Here's to hoping my third favorite team wins the Superbowl!!!!

I'm excited about next Sunday. I'm already sad that it is all about to be over. Then I have to wait 'til August for the season to start again. {sniff sniff}


  1. I hope your team does great! I am not a huge football fan, but enjoy getting together and socializing! Have fun!

  2. I'm ready for the big game too!!

    Saints Saints Saints!!

  3. We are Cowboys fans too but rooting for the Saints for the Superbowl too!

  4. i love football too!!


    i am also a SAINTS fan :o)

    i can't wait for next week!!!

  5. I usually watch college football, however, I like Dallas Cowboys when they are winning..(hehe).. I do hope the Saints win the Super Bowl too! Enjoy your week!

  6. you make me laugh!! The only reason I don't the Chargers is Philip Rivers. here's hoping your 3rd favorite team wins!

  7. I hear ya girl...I LOVE my Cowboys! But, I am also going for the Saints this weekend! And, I'm totally going to be depressed afterwards...Why isn't football season longer???!!!

  8. i love football season! i'm gonna miss it too! but we still have april for the draft! we pretend like the season is starting all over again! my husband is like a little boy during the draft!!!


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