Tuesday, January 19, 2010

pantry trail mix

i got the idea for this trail mix from a tweet.

i don't remember who it was from, but they basically said...

grab whatever is in your pantry and mix it up. so i did.

i toasted slivered almonds, cashews, and pecans in the oven for 10 minutes on 350 degrees.

i let them cool and ate several hand fulls.

~the kids came running, asking "mommy what's that yummy smell?"~

i threw the nuts in a bowl and mixed in dried cranberries and chocolate chips.

we ate it all in less than a week.

gary took some in his carry on bag when he flew to alabama. he is trying to loose weight {and doing a fine job, he is down 9lbs}. he was happy to have a healthy snack during his travels.

i made another batch.



  1. What a great idea! That would be delicious sprinkled over some of my homemade greek yogurt this morning... :)

  2. this would be great to have around the house. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Trail mix is so yummy...especially if it has chocolate in it:) I made some kind of like that last night for a snack! I just mixed some almonds with raisins and some chocolate chips. YUM!

  4. Looks and sounds delicious!!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Just got your comment. I love Little House, too!!! I would love to be in that period. Of course, after I watch that show I realize my kids don't do enough chores. Maybe I should watch it more often, lol.

    I feel the same way about aprons. Makes me feel festive and purposeful.

    Thanks for visiting, hope you have a great day!!

  6. Man, guys can loose weight so quickly. It's not fair. I'm not really a nut person, but those do look tasty!

  7. I make the same kind of throw in what you have kind of trail mix too when we need a snack on the go! Its perfect!

  8. This sounds so yummy. Those places in the mall with the toasted nuts always smell so good but I never stop to sample it. Matt loves trail mix, I will have to try this for him.

  9. Oh yummy!!! I would love that snack. Salty and sweet is just the best combo:)

  10. That sounds yummy!

    And yea Gary! My hubby is down 7 lbs...I am only down 1! :(

  11. Yum! That is a great combination...delicious idea! I will have to see what I can come up with ;)

    Great job to your husband! I'm sure he really appreciates your support too :) Poor Dan does not get so much help from me when I buy Girl Scout cookies and chips :(
    It is so hard! Good for both of you!


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