Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sausage Cheese Balls

What you will need:

3 cups all-purpose baking mix
(I use Bisquick)
4 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 (16oz) package of breakfast sausage
(I use Owens HOT)
1/2 cup of milk

What you will do:

Preheat oven to 350.
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until well blended.
Form mixture in to 1-inch balls.
Place on a baking sheet.
Bake 23-25 minutes or until born and cooked through.
Serve warm.

Our family loves these! Layla loves making the balls...getting her hands all goopy, it is defiantly a fun family activity in our household. We also like to experiment with different variations...mild sausage with pepper jack or mexi cheese get the idea. So easy and yummy and perfect for our snacking today while watching football :)


  1. I made a recipe similar to this for New Years Eve for a friend's party. They were gone SO fast. They are SO tasty and filling. I found out later that the reason they went so fast is that my boyfriend ate most of them. At least I know he loves my cooking!

    Happy New Year - I can't wait to see all things the Shy of Y crew will be up to in 2010! ox

  2. Sausage...yum, cheese...yum, together...YUM! I have to try these. When you come out with your cookbook I am definitely buying it.

  3. I made these this week for breakfast! They are so yummy! The boys weren't sure about them at first. But once they decided they liked them....they ate a ton!

  4. Well that sounds just yummy!! I'm watching the diet right now, so that one will have to wait a while. Happy New Year:)

  5. I was going to make these this year and didn't get around to it. They are so good!

  6. If anything has sausage in it, I love it. If it has cheese, it is even better. Looks delish! I always love to find new uses for Bisquick... :)

  7. I have got to use this recipe--my husband would be sooo happy! Thanks for sharing!

  8. We used to make these all of the time when I was little. Loved them. I need to make them for my kids. Thanks for reminding me!

  9. Oh yummmmmmy. My kiddos would love these but Ava has all sorts of dietary special needs, darnit!

  10. All I have to say is, we should really hook up sometime, cause we would make some fabulous food for our families! :)


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