Friday, January 15, 2010

Winter hands

I am so frustrated with my dry hands.
I put hand cream on EVERY night before bed, and my thumb is still split. Can you see that crack? Do your hands do that? Doesn't it drive you NUTS that you can't even button your jeans, or open your kids candy. I grimace each time I button my jeans because the pain is horrible.
Maybe I should just wear elastic waist pants. Teehee!
Or stop washing my hands so much, but in my profession that isn't possible. Hhhmmm.

Uggghhh my fingers are so dry.

What kind of lotion or hand cream do you use?
I need miracle cream.


  1. ouch! I remember those days when I used to work in a knuckles would always bleed they were so dry! Good luck...but your nails look good! :)

  2. My hands are the same way! I have a huge crack on my thumb that hurts so bad! I don't use anything on my hands...which is probably why they are so dry:)

  3. My hands can get that way too. I like Vaseline Healthy hand and nail-Conditioning. It is in a pink bottle. It seems to work pretty good. 2 things I try to do. Always put lotion on after I wash dishes. I have lotion right on the counter so I remember. And I try to put lotion on right before I go to bed. That way it absorbs over night. Good Luck.

  4. If it's any consolation, your nails look great! My hands get cracked in the winter, too. I try to use lotion after I wash my hands. If they get really bad I use a scrub from Bath & Body Works, OR you can make your own scrub with sugar and oil. It exfoliates and moisturizes at the same time. Then apply lotion afterwards. You could also put some Neosporin or something similar on that crack and cover it with a band-aid until it gets better. I hear ya, those are painful.
    Good luck!!

  5. 2 things I've found that work great, first fix up that cut with some New Skin. It will help with the pain and things getting to it (hot water always kills these cuts that I get in the winter).

    Second - my favorite dry hand cream for winter is Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Hand Cream it's really thick but coats your hands well and helps heal them.

    I can't imagine being in the health profession this time of year and having to wash my hands over and over with the cold. I hope these will help you! ox

  6. You poor thing. :(

    I find that all of the L'Occitane hand creams are super moisturizing...but, they are quite expensive....

    At my desk, I have Suave Advanced Therapy lotion (around $3) and I really like it...haha...

  7. Ok, this sounds totally wacko and I can believe I'm actually admitting this publicly, but every night (during cold months) I put Vaseline all over my hands and then put socks on my wonders. Promise.

  8. i know what you feet and hands are the same feet snag the sheets at that's bad!

  9. Mine are like that too and we arent even that cold!

  10. My hands are so so dry too! I use a hand cream by Avon, I think it's called Moisture Therapy or something like that. It helps.

  11. My thumb is cracked in almost exactly the same place!! It is driving me hands are never this dry! And I can't seem to keep them hydrated!

  12. I use bag balm. It does wonders and I've used it for years. I feel your pain.

  13. Oh. My Word. Your blog is hilarious. Well, YOU are hilarious which means I laugh reading your blog. I could not bring myself to comment on your TP post...too, too, too funny. Florida, I don't get cracked skin too much but Aveeno is the one that works for me because it last 24 hours. Can't wait to peek in on you again!

  14. HI I'm new to your blog and also from Texas! I have crack thumbs also and use aquafore. It works and it would probably work even better if I used it EVERY night! If you find something that really really works and you loved it please share!!!!

    Krystal from TX


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