Monday, February 8, 2010


...that is the warmest it is supposed to get this week here in my area of Texas.
All you people living in the north, I can hear you laughing at me.
I'm sure you would LOVE this weather.
But not me. I am so. sick. of. cold.
Every year by the middle of February I get spring fever.
By looking at the 7 day forecast we may get more snow.
Wow...3 times in one winter. In Texas that is unheard of.

picture courtesy of

And the 50 you see on Sunday....didn't happen.
It was so stinkin' cold yesterday. Bahhhh!

We will be bundling up this week when we get out and about.
I see in our future, more PJ days hanging out by the fireplace.
Happy {cold,rainy,grey} Monday!
What is the weather like in your area?
Are you getting tons of snow/rain?


  1. I hope it warms up for you. It is pretty warm here. It is chilly in the mornings/evenings, but during the day it is comfortable in t-shirt and jeans. Great weather for this pregnant girl! Enjoy your fireplace and stay warm!

  2. W are in the 40s this week too but we do have a possibility for more snow. UGH! Stay warm.

  3. I'm tired of winter, too. We're having the strangest weather. Last year we had almost 100" of snow. This year we've had like 11". I don't mind not having the snow, but I am so ready for spring and summer. It seems like this cold and dark weather just keeps dragging on and on.

  4. Lots of snow up here in Ohio...don't like it one bit. It was 5 degrees this morning when I left the house. I'm SO ready for spring/summer. I want to open a window and get some fresh air. Stay warm...oh maybe with a nice cup of tea.

  5. Urgh I am soooo fed up with this weather it was exciting at first and now it is just plan boring and I want to be back in GA!

  6. It has been cold here too...but not snow for us:( I don't know what the temp was yesterday, but the wind was blowing so hard that it was freezing outside!

  7. I can only dream of 48* weather...that would seem warm here. It was in the teens when I got up this morning and a big snow storm is headed this way tonight:-( Spring can't come fast enough for me!!!

  8. I'm with ya..I think it is going to be in the 60's today..but rainy...that makes it cold in my South Texas weather book. I know, you Northerners laugh away...or scream at us, whichever you choose. My 14 month old has cabin fever and wants to go outside. PLus, being inside puts me way to close to the brownies I baked yesterday....not good!

  9. Um I don't think you want to know the weather we are going to have today in southern california so I will keep it to myself ...=) sorry! Hope it warms up for you soon!

  10. We are sick of snow in Arkansas, too. It's snowing right now, as I sit home on another snow day off from school. We'll be going well into June this year, I fear.

  11. I too am sick of the cold! Ready for spring!! Hope y'all stay warm this week!

  12. FREEZING here this morning... 2 degrees when taking the kids to school. had 10 inches of snow last week - could get 9 more this week. wanna trade!? :)

  13. We are supposed to get more rain this week...after raining this weekend. We have had way more rain than normal this winter!

  14. I'll I can say is that I'm DEFINITELY not going to be complaining about the heat this summer...I'm SOOO ready for warm weather!

  15. we're in the dallas area and when my friend in colorado hears me complain about being cold...i stamp my foot and say...well our air is drier and it feels colder so hush! ha ha
    and i agree...we're bundled and i'm still freezing!! it's 38 at 2:06pm this monday brrrrrr!

  16. I am so over winter.... cold, rainy, sleety, snowy.... I need sunshine!!


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