Friday, February 19, 2010


I am so excited to be going on a long weekend getaway very soon with my husband.

I will miss my kids like crazy, but I really need a mini-vaca and can't wait to
jump on a plane to San Fransisco!


We will be staying in San Jose, but essentially visiting both places.

Can you help me?

Have any of you guys been?

Any ideas of fun things to do would be greatly appreciated.

You know we love to eat~ fun restaurant ideas??

Gary has been to San Francisco, so he has some ideas and

I might get to see my BF that lives in Los Angeles...that would be amazing!

Have a great weekend :)


  1. I have been to San Fran twice and LOVED it! I dont really remember any places to eat...but of course you have to do all the touristy things...Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Fisherman's get the picture! If you have time take a little drive to Monterey and Carmel...Carmel has this 17 mile scenic drive that takes you by Pebble Beach and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!! Take lots of pictures!!

  2. Happy Friday and thanks for linking up. I am already following and stopping by to say hi.

    San Francisco is great. I highly recommend visiting the Japanese Tea Garden, Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf and taking a boat cruise to see the Golden Gate Bridge. As for food, we really enjoyed the Crab House on Pier 39, fresh seafood and clam chowder at the vendors along the Wharf, and a small Dim Sum place that I have the name of somewhere. We did NOT like eating in Chinatown.

  3. Sounds like a great trip. The last time we went was with our 4 kids so you guys probably have a different list of things to do and see:)
    I'm a new follower from Friday Follow. Nice to meet you:)

  4. have fun girl!!!
    mni-vaca's with the hubby are great!!

  5. Ahhh, that will be a blast!!! Be sure to take lots of pictures. ;)

  6. Sounds like it will be a great get-away!!

    I am your newest follower from Follow Me Friday!!

  7. That sounds like so much fun! I am no help though...I've never been further west than Texas:)

  8. I don't know enough about the area to be of assistance, but just wanted to say I am so happy for you. It's so neat you and Gary get to have time away- those trips are priceless.


  9. I've never been but I hope you get lots of great tips and have a wonderful time.

  10. We went to SF on our honeymoon and LOVED it! We did a trolley tour of the city and even though it was super touristy, it was SUCH fun! You get to see a lot and feel the breeze while you ride. You are going to have a blast! Oh and Happy FF :-)

  11. Good for you guys!! I can't wait to hear all about it. Farthest West I've been is Las Vegas but check out the Travel Channel, see if they have some good hole in the wall places. Have fun! Happy Friday!

  12. Aww.. sounds great! I've never been so I don't have any recommendations other than to relax and have tons of fun!!

  13. Hello! I found your blog through Friday Follow- and I'm so glad I did! Hope lot's of new people find you as well!

    I'm your newest follower- I'd love if you'd come check out my blog!

    Shannon at:

  14. AWESOME! I know you'll have a blast!

  15. Ive never been but hope you enjoy your vacation!

  16. I am so jealous, I have always wanted to visit there! You will have a blast!!

  17. I've been to San Francisco once and I truly loved it. I think it would be so fun to go back!!! I seriously enjoyed Alcatraz, I did I did. It was great. As for food, I can't remember. Bummer!

  18. Ohh how fun! I hope you have a fabulous trip! I used to visit SF quite often but for some reason cant think of any great places to eat other than a really casual place that has my all time fave pizza, its called Blondies. Oh and theres a little area called Jack London Square that has a couple good places. But I would say your kids would probably love riding the cable car down to the wharf to see the sea lions, and theres also a hands on musuem type of place called the Exploratorium thats fun. Whatever you guys do, have fun!! =)

  19. Sounds like so much fun- just to get away with the hubby!! Have a great time!


  20. When I was in college, my room mate was from Piedmont, which is a bit east of s.f. so we went up there a lot. I think you should for sure do the tourist-y things, but if you have time to drive over the GGbridge and into Marin county, you won't be disappointed.



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