Thursday, February 4, 2010


I love cookbooks...I could read them all. day. long.
I don't think it is normal to have as many recipes as I do.

I also have a binder that hold a bazillion recipes. See below...

One of my goals for January was to get my recipe situation under control. It was a huge mess. This huge binder {too big for the bakers rack} chock full of recipes was a gigantic mess.
Pages were falling out each time I used it.
I would find recipes in magazines and just throw them in there, with no rhyme or reason. Several times I would look for a specific recipe, only to be on a wild goose chase.
Now, all the sections are clearly marked and I can easily flip through to find what I need quickly.

Yay...less stress for me!
Do you feel oh so much better when you get one thing under control in your life?
This was my one huge mess that needed attention, and I feel great that it is done!

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  1. LOVE your binder idea... i just print pages out and toss them in the cupboard with my books. NOT working! Now that your recipes are organized... wanna come do mine?? :)

  2. That is a TON of recipes. I can see you having those though because I know you love to cook. I need a copy please...thanks!

  3. I always feel so much better if just one thing gets organized! The whole house can be a wreck, but if the kitchen is cleaned up I feel so much better! Your binder idea is great...I just throw any recipes I find in a little recipe box that I have!

  4. I love binders!! I have a lot of cookbooks, too. But sometimes I get recipes from the internet or magazines and I put them in a clear three hole page protector. But there is no organization whatsoever, they're all randomly placed in a binder and I don't know where anything is. Now I feel inspired to organize- thank you :)

  5. What a great idea for the binder. I have one and need to color coordinate it a little better.

  6. I have a binder too- but I need to do exactly what you did and organize it!

  7. I think I am a collector of recipes because I seem to cut them out but never use them. I really hate to cook. My sister was here for 2 weeks and we were spoiled, because she did all the cooking while she was here. I did manage to have a little courage and make chicken noodle soup yesterday and let me tell you how hard it was to touch that whole chicken, I could have puked.

    The meal was a winner. Everyone loved it! I'm not sure I will be using a chicken any time soon. I'll help you organize if you help me cook, lol?


  8. I LOVE cookbooks and finding and collecting recipes! I need to take a picture of my "cookbook collection"....But, nothing..and I mean NOTHING compares to my mom's collection. It fills an entire to bottom! No's unreal!

  9. Wow girl you are on top of it! I am impressed. I agree just gaining control of an area can make your day! I need to do this in several different places in my house...starting in my studio space. DISASTER:)

  10. I have the same addition to cookbooks and recipes! Mine are not nearly so organized in a binder though!

  11. Hi Angie, I love your blog! And I love recipes too! It does feel good to get organized :)

  12. omg i love my cookbooks too.....i'm obsessed! ur binder looks much more organized then mine!

  13. oh that looks so much better I am sure...way to channel your inner Martha and organize that stuff! Will you come over and do me one too??? LOL!

  14. Yes!! I need to do this with my pictures, it's out of control! I need to delete ones off the computer I don't want and also the same thing with e-mails. I am hoping to take a week ;) and do this soon!


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