Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just a dusting & 'this n that'

Thank you all for the encouraging words yesterday.

I have decided to never mop again. Heehee!

And in other news we are no longer owners of that laundry mat.

We were able to finally get that all figured out.


Thanks to all you who offered ideas for my San Fran/San Jose trip!

I am very excited about that upcoming adventure.

We only got a dusting of snow this morning...yeehaw! It has pretty much all melted now.

I wasn't looking forward to getting a bazillion inches, but we were spared and I am so happy!

It is just down right cold...burrr.

The pups rear ends checking out the dust. They wouldn't turn around. Maybe they are sick of me chasing them with the camera just like the kids...HA!


I have been doing The 30 day Shred on and off since October.
I really hit it hard in January. I am also still sticking to my Weight Watchers plan.
Anyway, I hadn't lost weight for a couple of weeks, and so I stopped doing the Shred.
I lost weight again...weird.
I guess I started building more muscle. Which is okay, but I want to loose more weight.
Gary wanted to join in the exercise, and did the Shred a few times, but he wanted more of a cardio work out. I bought The Biggest Loser Cardio Max. We did it last night, and we really liked it. Similar to the Shred there are many different levels, so we just started with the first workout.

Anyway, switching it up will be great. I'm not going to stop Shredding, but Shredding everyday must be too much for me. The Cardio Max really gets my heart rate up...more than the Shred.

That is my exercise tid bit for the year..HA!


  1. I have the 30 Day Shred. I bought it in July. That's all I know. I haven't opened it yet. I also bought her video about fixing your metabolism or something like that. But, I'm going to run on the treadmill after I take my kids to school.

    And good for you, mopping is so overrated.

  2. Oh the Shred...yeah I tried that and then died...its just my spirit talking to you now

  3. I got the Shred and really like it as a compliment to my running. Great core workout but doesn't take too long so it's nice.

    We're finally getting the snow here, girl. It looks like a blizzard out there.

  4. I have Cardio Max and love it too..I did all 3 levels yesterday for the first time...it always makes my hips/core/lower back sore so I hope that means it is working. My weight loss problem would be the abundant sweets I tend to snack on! Good luck with the Max.

  5. I need to start the Shred...I need to start the Shred!!!

  6. I love the Shred. I started it in January and have totally become addicted!

  7. I so need to get one of those videos! I have been slacking big time between Valentine's Day and vacation! Do you like the Biggest Loser one? I'm always worried about the videos having to many squats since my knees are terrible!

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  9. Love the Shred...and you can easily modify and mix it up for future work outs. Although, not to be mean, but Jillian Michaels is a bit scary..or at least her facial expressions are..lol.


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