Monday, February 22, 2010

Manic {random&buggy} Monday

I am bugged today. You know just irritated with stuff.

  1. Someone hacked my twitter account. Really? What is that about? Some crazy people have nothing better to do than make someone else miserable. I'm embarrassed...the hackers sent a nasty Direct Message to people. So, it wasn't me, and people that know me probably just deleted it. But it still makes me crazy.
  2. I am really irritated with the fact that when you call someone you can't get anyone on the phone. Really, I am talking about businesses. There is an error in our name with a county near us having to do with taxes. Apparently, Gary and I own a laundry mat that we didn't know about. And we owe taxes on said property. So, anyone need their clothes washed? If someone would pick up the phone it would be great. That way we can get this error fixed.
  3. I dropped my phone on the ground in the parking lot of the grocery store this morning. It wouldn't work for about 20 minutes and I thought I might loose my mind. Why am I so dependent on that phone? It really isn't that cool anyway. I want a new one, but am not eligible for an up-grade until April. Hopefully, by April I will decided what I want.
  4. I kind of like using these little numbered bullets so one more thing...

  1. I am really irritated with the fact that every.time.I.mop. I spill or break something. I wish I were kidding. Do you think my tile floors would designate if I never mopped again? I mopped two weeks ago, and dropped the crock pot lid. Shattered~all.over.the.CLEAN.floor. I mopped last Wednesday. Dropped a whole unopened bottle of red wine all.over.the.CLEAN.floor. Oopsie! It was loads of fun to clean that up. Luckily the kids were in bed. Callaway, who is white...solid white...only suffered a few stains. He was frantically licking it up. I had to shoo him while scrubbing as fast as possible. A wino dog I do not want.
  2. Oh, one more thing. {and why did my numbers start over?} I was so excited to finally try Nutella, and I did, and I don't really like it. I wanted to like it and it be the most awesome thing ever. But not so much. Hayden LOVED it! I'm thinking Layla will. Me, I'm just gonna stick with Jiff.
  3. And why can I not move pics in blogger since using Chrome? Do you guys have this problem. In my other browser I could highlight a picture and drag it where ever. Now I have frustrating!!!
  4. If any of you are still reading this, please let me know about your randomness today!!

I just had to share a pic of my little man. He LOVES pull-ups! He won't let me put pants on him. He gets the pull-up on and he runs from me. It is a little cold here for no pants, but I'll just turn the fire up, and continue chasing him. Heck~he runs so much he's probably not cold!


  1. I should turn you into some kind of alcohol psych ward. You didn't seem near as upset as I'd be if I dropped a whole bottle of unopened red wine. What a waste! & Cal's old. Let him have a little wine every once in while will ya?

    Nice black socks HC, come on Mom where's his sandals?

    Talk about randomness.. wait until you read my post about running in beautiful downtown Goldthwaite.

  2. I am crying FOR you over the bottle of wine. Oh the agony!
    I vote you just stop mopping the floor...

    I hope your day gets better.

  3. When it rains, it pours, right? Sorry you're having such a craptacular day.
    My daughter dropped a bottle of beer in the garage last week. Still not sure what she was doing with it. Oh yeah, she was on a Mike's Hard Lemonade run in the garage for my friend.

    I think what I would do is start drinking at 3 today. If we lived in the same city I would be right over with a new bottle of wine for you.

    Hope your day gets better, girl.


  4. I would probably have just screamed about the mess with the wine-oy I bet that was a pain to clean up and if it wasn't for the glass I would probably would have the dogs enjoy a bit but not enough to then have to clean up vomit later lol.

  5. Hola! I'm sorry I had 2 notify you about the Twitter Hacking. I don't think you are following me yet, so I couldn't DM you about it (BTW - hope you do choose to follow me - no spam promise LOL).

    I was hesitant about telling everybody or concerned you might think I was a hacker pulling a prank on you (so not the case)! I'm just glad you got it figured out; I didn't think you actually sent me the nasty links!

    I don't get people either. What's sad is that some hackers must actually make money off that stuff, since there is no letting up. Why would people keep clicking! Anyway, my Monday randomness is that I don't understand why businesses get annoyed when you call them to inquire about an order status. Hello, we paid you money to provide a product and service, not get rude with us. Don't get me started either!

    The great news is that we do have plenty of other things to celebrate and enjoy! Oh, but so much fun letting off the others from our chest! Gracias for updating me on hacking status! Look forward to your tweets! I'm @WeightChica!

  6. i got that message, but don't worry it was obvious it was from a hacker! some people just need to get a life...

  7. Ugh, I so have these kind of days. Makes you just wanna close your eyes and scream. Hope the week gradually gets better!

  8. I saw that your twitter account was hacked...but I was scared to open the DM because I didn't know if it could hack mine too! I always spill stuff as soon as my floors are clean too! I kinda just gave up and quit cleaning the floor as often! I always had trouble moving pics too...the easier way is to go into html and highlight the code for the pic and move it there! SO much easier:) I hope your day gets better soon!

  9. Every time I mop it rains or snows and my dogs track mud EVERYWHERE! Kinda irritating!!! Hope you week gets better.

  10. I do the same thing with the floor!! So annoying!

  11. I am totally with you on the floor too - usually something nice and sticky UGH!

  12. Yeah, I got one of those DM's from you...I knew it was spam and just deleted it. But that is so annoying!

    You have totally hit the nail on the head as to why I don't mop. That and laziness! ;)

  13. Oh no...that's no fun! I've been in the process of cleaning the grout in our kitchen and don't want anyone to walk in there from now on! haha! but of course we have wet, melting, dirty snow, so why am I even trying!

    Someone has been harrassing us for a long time calling our house looking for someone we've never heard of and keep telling them she doesn't live here...but still the calls keep coming! Very irritating!

    Hope it all gets worked out...and I'm thinking I'm not cleaning the floors anymore either :)

  14. First, I'd love for you to participate in Mommy and Me Monday...even if it's an old picture this week.

    Second..I have 2 Ys in my name, and I'm pretty sure it's intentional that nobody else in my family does.

    I say give up mopping. Your kitchen utensils and wine will thank you.

    Second, have you checked out window's live writer? It is fabulous and so much better than blogger for doing your posts (including moving pictures, etc).

    That little no pants booty is pretty dang cute, too.

  15. forget the dropped a bottle of wine!?!? Nooo!!! :) I'm with you...I hate to go through all the trouble of cleaning just to mess it up again! And hackers suck. This random post totally rocked, btw!

  16. Im with the comment above mine...the whole bottle went to waste? Sad day!

  17. I loved your random post, didnt love that somebody hacked your twitter, and I think its very cool that you own a laundry mat =) hahah! Im a Jif fan too and I was always so unsure about Nutella. Oh and your little guy is absolutely adorable and pulls off the no pants look very well!

  18. Oh my, so sorry to hear about your day...It is sooo frustrating when you can't talk to a real person to get a problem fixed. I just spent 30 minutes on the phone with Norton which automatically charged my credit card for renewal and I didn't know a thing about it. I don't even have Norton anymore!! And the phone ordeal, I would have been freaking out too. It is a shame that we relay so much on them but I know exactly how you feel! Hope you have a better evening!

  19. I hate it when you can't get a real person on the phone.....

    I would go crazy without my cell....

    what is Chrome?

    He does look adorable in his pull ups.

  20. Oh I hear you!!! I was making meatballs last week and while grabbing the garlic the vanilla fell out of the cupboard and fell, and broke and ruined 2 pounds of meat!!! Seriously? but the kitchen sure smelled purty! And major grrrrrrrrr about the laundry mat!!!!!

  21. you need a do over today! crazy about the twitter thing...weirdos!

  22. ha ha, I got that DM on twitter and when I read it I immediately starting laughing!! But I didn't open the attachment. I thought you wouldn't have done that!

  23. I think you've just described a day in my life, minus the laundry mat. People don't answer phones and yes it is VERY frustrating. Hackers make me mad too...losers. Hmmm, random...we had to get our washer fixed and then we were having water leak into our house from the snow melting. Then Jamison told me yesterday when I yelled at Caleb that I should use that voice outside!


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