Friday, February 12, 2010

'Snowed In' in Texas

Guys & Gals, this is one for the record books.
I am 33 years old and I have never seen snow like this in Texas.
I have lived here my WHOLE life.
It is amazing and beautiful :)
Sorry, I'm sure you guys are gonna get tired of all the snow pics,
but I'm loving it and love blogging about all the memories we are making!

Snow fall last night was about 9 inches...the puppies legs were covered.

Hayden was mad!
His car was stuck, like many other cars in the area...teehee!

My angel!


I'm clearing a path for the kids.
Hayden had a really hard time walking around.
He would fall and then we'd pick him up.
Then two steps later he'd fall again.

Snow up to her knees!!!

Mr. snowman has random backyard toys for arms,
eyes are balls, and a smile made from my rosemary plant.
Oh, and Gary's cap. I'm surprised he took it off...he loves that camo ball cap

It was such a fun way to spend the day!!

I've fallen and I can't get up!

Almost nine inches and still falling as of 5pm Thursday night.
AND we got more snow during the night! Our total for the day was around 12 1/2 inches!

Simply Amazing :)

(IknowpeopleNorth(blogfriends&family)ofusarelaughingatmerightnowbutthisiscrazyfor TEXAS.ItisthesecondsnowiestwinteronrecordforDFW.)


  1. Wow...that is ALOT of snow! so fun! the weather is so crazy right now in all areas! It's not unusual for us to get snow...but I'm ready for it to leave ;)

    Enjoy it! Looks like lots of fun...and so memorable! Take TONS of pictures! :) The kids are adorable!

  2. I will NEVER tire of your snow pics. No snow here in sunny Florida but it has been in the 30's this week which is just strange. OK. In the 30's while we are sleeping but that is just downright cold. These pics are adorable.

  3. Oh wow.. that's A LOT of snow!! But looks like the kids (and you guys) sure enjoyed it! Have a great snowy weekend!

  4. Yeah you got your snow. And a lot of it. I heard about the now in TX on the news and I thought about you actually. Enjoy...

  5. No fair! I want snow!!!

    They keep predicting it but everyone gets it but us.

    Great pics!!

  6. Ahh, don't apologize for being excited! All of our Texas family is doing the same thing! Cute pics, btw!

  7. Love it! It's really coming done here today too.

  8. Following from the Friday Follow! Hope to see you at soon!
    Come take some of ours! I could do without it 24/7 and over half the year!!

  9. LOVE that! Thanks for stopping by my blog... :) How sweet! This snow is awesome, we are sooo used to it in MN but how special for your family to get some in TX!! Enjoy - have a blessed weekend :)

  10. Following you back!! Your kids are adorable!!

  11. Following you back. That's alot of snow. It may actually snow here today....something that hasn't happened in 10 years!

  12. Your right it is one for the record books! This winter has been a rough one!

    I am coming by way of the Friday Follow!

  13. Great blog!! Looks like you all had a wonderful time playing in the snow:)

    New from Friday Follow!

  14. We spent 4 year in TX before moving way up north to WI, so I can totally relate to the joy you are experiencing from the snow.

    Here from FF. Thanks for following my blog.

    I'm your newest follower.

  15. Great pictures! It's so pretty when it first falls, what fun!

    Thanks for the FF, following you back :)

  16. Do you know what J-E-A-L-O-U-S spells? Jealous, yep that's me, we just got rain and cold temps 1 degree above freezing. This aint a bit right. Glad you guys are enjoying it!

  17. Thanks for stopping by and linking up at Trendy Treehouse. I follow you now too!

  18. There is nothing cuter then little kids playing in the snow! Thanks for sharing these adorable pics. I'm stopping by from Friday Follow and I'm a new follower of your blog.

  19. Aww...looks like you all had fun! I'm on the East Coast..and we have over 40 inches of snow!! It was fun at we are just trying to dig out :)

    Have a great weekend!

  20. I know that is odd for Texas but normal for us here in Wisconsin. The difference is ours is here for 5 months out of the year. Yikes!

  21. Great pics! I'm from northeast PA and I'm SO used to the just got 18 inches over the weekend. I love it though :)

    Found you through Friday Follow! Great blog, I'm now a Google Friend Connect Follower! :)

    Visiting from My Kids Are Fun!

  22. 1st picture = amazing!!

    Teaching Hayden to drive in the snow early = smart!!

    Making memories in the snow = priceless

    Have a great rest of your weekend!

  23. Stopping by to say hello with Friday Follow. Hope you have an amazing weekend with your family and friends.

    Please stop by my new blog:
    and my business blog:

  24. Again- Awesome snow pictures!!!!


  25. Seriously! I couldn't believe how much it snowed! It was AWESOME! Our office totally had a "snow day"! And, I love how our weather guys were calling it "Snowmaggedon"...LOL!


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