Saturday, February 6, 2010

These pictures absolutely melt my heart.
They were taken in the office, not the best background,
and definitely not centered, but it was a "Kodak moment".

Big sissy reading to little brother!!!
I really love those few special moments in the day when the kids are getting along.

It seems like all the pictures I have posted lately have been of the kids in PJ's.

I promise they really do have clothes...teehee!

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  1. So cute! One of my favorite pictures is of Henry and Grant when they were younger, sitting together reading a book:)

  2. So sweet. I love when we can capture these sibling helps when dealing with the not so sweet ones. Adorable.

  3. They are so sweet! We had a moment like this today, too.

  4. Sweet kiddos. H looks really interested. I was such a book nerd when I was a kid... Wait.. I still am.

  5. Who needs clothes when you have pjs. We are all still in ours today! I love the sweet moment.

  6. Isn't it sweet when they are being sweet like that?! I just love those (infrequent) moments!

  7. Emily is always in her pj's when we're home! What super cute pictures! Love those moments! Great capture :) {And I think your office look really nice!}

  8. So sweet! If I could hang in my pjs all the time I would! My Layla doesnt get out of hers until around lunch time!


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