Sunday, February 28, 2010

this is what happens

when you let your 4 1/2 year old have the camera.

gary feeding the dogs

hayden cheezin'


i don't even know what to say.


  1. Oh gosh, can you hear me laughing from Washington? Your kids are too cute.

    Hope you're having a great weekend!!


  2. Oh, you are brave. My daughter does that all the time, I just won't post them! I love the blue creature on your little guy's head, cute pics!

  3. are brave to put a pic of your tush up there! ;) no way would my fanny make my blog! Those are cute jammie pants though.

  4. LOL

    My little guys love camera's - but I am not as brave as you! I delete all those "butt shots" and really bad pictures of me ;-)

    I got a good laugh though! Thanks!

  5. LOL that is sooo funny! I let my Kelcee who is 3 play with my phone and she has learned the camera part and um there are pics on there that are really funny! LOL....
    I am soo glad I found your post! It is super cute! Love it!
    Happy Sunday
    Summer :0)

  6. funny girl! I would flip out if one of my kids decided to play with my camera.

  7. Oh dear...that is hilarious! Love seeing what's on their level! LOL! You are too funny! When I've done that in the past...there are lots of pics of the lower half of my body and my head is cut off,haha!

  8. giggle giggle, chuckle, chuckle. I grinned at the pic of Gary, but laughed out loud at the "Ahem" are brave! Hope you had a fun weekend!

  9. Too funny. Reality photography!

  10. Ha! That's awesome! I love the butt shots!!

    I don't know if I'd be brave enough to post a picture of my big boo-tay. Good thing I don't have anyone hovering around taking pics.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Oh what fun! I just came across your blog tonight and you and your kids are so "stinkin cute" for posting your it!


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