Monday, February 15, 2010

Tip of the day...don't scrimp on the q-tips :)




happy girl!

we had tons of fun creating with q-tips.

I bought generic q-tips.
When Gary inserted one into his ear he thought he hit his brain.


We are becoming q-tip artists.

I can't wait to share Valentine's Day pictures I took this weekend. Layla's preschool party was postponed until today because of the snow.

Hopefully I can take a few at school and post some pics later this week.

Did you have a good V-day?


  1. How fun! Very creative.

  2. Haha! I did the same thing. ONCE! They were called "swispers" and Hubby said they just about swisped his brain away. Men! :) Cute crafts!

  3. Kids can be so creative with the oddest things.

  4. Yes! I agree Q-tips are just one of those things you can't skimp on!
    What neat art work you have there! As a matter of fact I think I am gonna get my q-tips out with my little man & do a fun project!

  5. There are a few things I fo sho won't scrimp on... Qtips, TP, Graham Grackers (Honey Maid ONLY!) and mayo (Hellman's all the way baby)

  6. Ouch...I know exactly what you mean! There's really only ONE Qtip! haha! What a great way to use up all the others! So FUN! We had a low-key Valentine's, stayed home and watched Daytona 500, pizza for dinner...just no cooking or cleaning for me :) We're are snowed in again today...blah!

  7. Layla is such a cutie, what a great creative idea to do! She did very well! Can't wait to see pictures from this weekend!

  8. Ha ha!! I have learned not to buy the generic Q-Tips, too. My honey also had an episode like Gary.

    Cute crafts! May as well find a use for them, right?

    We had a great day yesterday. Just us, very relaxing, pizza for dinner while watching Die Hard II/Die Harder. LOL.

    Hope you also had a great V-Day.

  9. That's a great craft idea...I'm stealing that one!

  10. Too funny! Can't say those q-tips went to waste, ha!

  11. What a great idea and fun way to craft! You're a great writer and I really enjoy reading your blog!

  12. We loved watching Fireproof, too. You are right- communication is key. Once that's gone, you're in big trouble.

    Hope your husband got home safe and that you were able to spend to give him that big hug :)

  13. That's a really cute project. I may play around with this at my school. Thanks for the idea.


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