Tuesday, February 9, 2010

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Layla and I made Valentine cards for her teachers at preschool.

Here she is ready to go!

Scissors~check! Glue~check! Cookie cutters~check! Snack~check!

She even decorated the bag she is using to take the cards to school.

She saw me reading this post by

Kelli @


and wanted to do it too.
♥ ♥ ♥
Here are the cards we made:

BOTH of her teachers are named Mrs. Kirsten,
but their names are pronounced different.

I feel like such a slacker mommy photographer.

The pictures of these cards are terrible.
You can't even tell how cute the pink card stock is under the candy canes.

Layla picked out the cards she wanted to give her classmates all. by. herself.

Layla = Little miss independent!!

She is really into pencils right now and asked if she could give them each a pencil.

And of course shaped suckers.

They are the best...I have already eaten 2 of them.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Your candy cane cards turned out so cute! Yay! And my boys wanted to do pencils with their Valentine's this year too! We just taped them to the back of some cute heart shaped notepads that I got at Target!

  2. Your valentine pics turned out great! What a fabulous project! And who doesn't need pencils? I want one!

  3. Very cute! Isn't she a sweetie-pie.

  4. Those are super cute!! Anyone would love to receive those!!

  5. Valentine's Day is so much fun for kids. It's my favorite school party.

  6. Cute cards...sweet girl! I LOVE those suckers and can't find them down here! I'll be on the hunt this week. Have one for me.

  7. Those turned out great...I loved that idea! She is so sweet! Happy Valentine's Day ;)

    I love those suckers too!

  8. i can't wait to help my daughter w/her valentine's next week...she wants to melt chocolate for suckers and stamp bears on cards...i thought the saying..."you're beary sweet" would be cute on it! ha ha
    crafts w/kids are the best!
    love the candy cane idea!

  9. Layla= pure sweetness!!

    Love the cards, she did a great job! I love those suckers too, so yummy!

  10. Too cute! Sweet Layla is an artist-in-the-making. She is absolutely precious! A smile that melts the heart! Thank you for sharing such a lovely post. Makes me miss my little girl (who is now 36 years old with one of her own), so very much. Our beautiful babies just don't stay babies long enough. Blessings to you all, Terri

  11. Adorable! Has a preschool teacher, I can tell you those will go over big!

  12. I used to love those heart shaped suckers. Look at Miss Layla picking our her own cards and signing the teachers' cards. Such a big girl! You are a great mom for sitting down and helping her with those crafts.


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