Monday, March 1, 2010

an attempt to take a good picture in pj's

Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious? is hosting 'Mommy and Me Monday'.

I think it is a wonderful idea.
I take tons of pictures every week, but most do not include me!

I don't know if I will link up every week due to the fact that the picture below shows how much my daughter wants to be photographed with me.

Seriously~it looks like I have a horrible disease that she doesn't want to catch.
Or she could be trying to get away from the shininess of my face. Ick.

Anyway, this is my first attempt at 'Mommy and Me Monday'.
In the picture I am laughing hysterically!
My mouth is weird~maybe I am trying not to catch my own disease.
Poor Hayden has no idea what is going on; he just wants to get back to drinking his water.

Head on over to visit Krystyn.

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn

Hopefully other mothers actually captured sweet, less chaotic photos! Heehee!


Kelli W said...

Layla is just too stinking funny! I think your picture is great, because you captured a real mom moment! That is probably what most of my pics would look like if I ever tried to take pics with my boys:)

Rana said...

This is a great photo!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I think it's a great shot. You captured a moment! I'm sure you saw how silly my kiddos looked (never mind how I looked)!

Anonymous said...

I think it's cute! Sometimes the best shots are natural and true moments. Sweet!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

This is making me laugh hysterically and I have no idea why.

Unknown said...

Love the silly moment you captured! You look great, don't worry!

Jenny said...

it is a great picture! nice to see mommys for once...i will have to get in on this next monday!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me a good giggle. Thats priceless. :)

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

you know it dawned on me i rarely have any photos of me w/ALL 4 of my kids either!
and her face is priceless! it's like ur squeezing all the love from her! love love love it!

VKT said...

It's an adorable picture! Precious!

Big Mama Cass said...

HAHA! That face is just too cute! Kids are just too funny!

Carrie said...

You guys are adorable! Looks like you're having fun...and it's natural, that's great! I love it! Hope you post more, too cute ;)

Brandie said...

Well I love it so cute!

lsnellings said...

That picture is hilarious!!

L said...

Too cute! Your little ones are like mini me's of you and your husband, seems like they resemble the both of you SO much, do you get that alot?!

darcie said...

I have dozens of pics of my kids and myself like this...(not from before this year though - when I started trying to get a daily pic with one or both of them!)
cute! nice to see I'm not alone in this endeavor!

Unknown said...

That is a very real looking photo. I'm never in any of the pics I take of my daughter, mostly because I photograph like I have my own infectious disease.