Tuesday, March 9, 2010

by looking at these pictures

you'd think

there must be a shortage of chairs in our house.

not so, just silly kids!

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  1. it is amazing how imaginative kids are! so cute...

  2. My kids still play with laundry baskets. I love their imaginations!! Hope you got a good nights sleep and feel better today.

  3. I'm always getting on my kids to use a chair! Too funny.

  4. Silly for sure! My boys do the same thing...they love to sit on their basket ball and soccer balls too!

  5. cute cute kiddies! thanks for following so i could find your blog. your fam is presh. i love the name of your blog. i'm your newest follower. : )

  6. Yep my kids do the same thing...make chairs out of anything!

  7. Ha! I remember being little and thinking about all the things I could sit on. I liked to see if I could cave in the clothes basket with my weight. Yup, as I got older I DID cave it in and then it wasn't as fun... Growing up CAN BE the pits.

  8. You have been given the Beautiful Blogger Award!! Please check my blog for more information. http://homeswheremyheartis.blogspot.com/2010/03/and-award-goes-to.html

  9. Hilarious! Kids are so funny. Love the camo PJs!

  10. You mean chairs are for sitting? We use them as launching pads!

  11. Those make awesome chairs! haha! At least they're not sitting on each other like it is around here sometimes! {I love Layla holding her cat...it looks so real! haha!}
    So cute!

  12. Your children are such cutie patooties. I love the pictures you post of them!!!!!


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