Monday, March 8, 2010

a different kind of tea party

In our house the guests are served fruits and vegetables.

Nae Nae the horse is having corn. BeBe the lamb is having a lemon.

Mr. Reindeer is having a banana, and Rainbow bear is eating a red bell pepper.


When I asked Layla why she wasn't using her tea set she said,
"My animals can't live on tea, coffee and milk alone.
Fruits and vegetables make them big and strong."

Allrighty then!


  1. She's so smart. I need to have her same attitude.

  2. That is hilarious! Our tea parties usually include some fruits and veggies too!

  3. awww her momma must be teaching her well!

  4. how cute! my girls do the same thing! They lay their blankets out, arrange their animals and "feed" them! :) I love watching their pretend play like that. It is so sweet.

  5. What a great eater! Those are the only things that would eat vegetables at our house :( Alex is so hard to feed vegetables, but Emily will eat some of them!

    She's so cute! Her room is cute too! I love when the kids play like that, so fun!

  6. So cute! I wonder if Layla could get my boys to eat their veggies:)

  7. So cute! How thoughtful...

  8. This is so cute! Emma has done similar stuff like this before, I love seeing them use their imaginations! Priceless!

  9. My kids are the same way...too bad they only "pretend" to eat them and won't really eat them!

  10. Sooo stinkin cute! Sounds like your daughter and my little girl would get along fab! My Kelcee loves animals and tea parties and she always feeds them too....sooo cute!

    Have a Happy Monday
    Summer :0)

  11. Too cute! Would love to stop in on one of those little tea parites.

  12. Smarty pants! Both your children are just precious!!! Yea for good weather this week.


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