Sunday, March 28, 2010

fun time had by all

We took the kids camping this weekend. It was so much fun.
I have to say I was a bit worried at first, but everyone did great!

Layla and Hayden slept together in the same bed...that is a first for those two.
They were wrestling and giggling, but finally got some good sleep both nights.

Saturday morning we got up, made the bed and had bananas and
powdered donuts for breakfast. Yum!

Then we were off for a full day of fun!

Hayden gathered a million rocks in his bucket and then threw them into the lake.

Layla and Daddy fished.

I took a ton of pictures, as usual.


We had so much fun, just the four of us.

We are definitely going camping again soon!!

Now I must go catch up on laundry and get some rest.
We have a busy week, and I just looked at the calendar and realized all of our weekend in April are packed full of activities!

Gotta love Springtime!!


  1. That sounds like so much fun!

    Bananas and donuts!! YUM!

  2. That looks like so much fun!! Love it!! We have been talking about camping, but we are chickens I guess! Of course, we only have a tent...that we have had for over a year and it's NEVER been out of the box. Ha!!

  3. What a fun weekend. I love the picture of Gary and Layla fishing. Have fun the next couple of's starting to be that busy time.

  4. So FUN! I love the lights strung up, so festive! I love camping...we have never been anywhere, but have camped in our backyard once with a fire and tent :) Cute pics! I hope we can try 'real' camping sometime :)

  5. That looks like so much fun! The only camping we have ever done was in a tent...and that won't be happening again any time soon! I have squirrel story I will have to share someday:)

  6. what a FUN weekend :o)

    i left something on my blog for you!!!

  7. I would love to go camping sometime! I might ask you for some tips soon! My kids would totslly love this!! Glad you had a great time!!!

  8. Cute! looks like everyone had a good time.

  9. How fun! It was beautiful weather for camping. I haven't been camping in YEARS...but if I had potty near by I am sure I would do it again! LOL!

  10. Fun! And you are brave...I'm not really the camping type. ;)


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