Sunday, March 21, 2010

I got a prize and I like it!!

I won an amazing giveaway from a sweet blog friend!

Look at all the fun things I received...

A book titled: The Creative Counterpart, a purple bookmark, matching purple journal,
purple nail polish and yummy candy.


Seriously, it is like she jumped into my brain and read my mind.
She picked all the things I love!

She even included purple raffia...I simply opened the package and put it in this glass bowl.
Easy as pie, and such a pretty way to display the candy that lasted about 2.5 seconds in this house.

Erin is an amazing person...if you don't already read her blog go visit her.

Two reasons I blog...

1.) To have a journal for my family and to document our lives.

2.) To continue to make great friends.

Thanks for all the goodies Erin :)

I can't wait to dive into the new book.
I read the first few pages and can't wait to read the rest!

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  1. You're so welcome, glad you like :)

    I have to confess, it wasn't hard...I noticed on your profile you love purple and pedicures. And I know you love chocolate :)
    Don't worry, not stalking. I was waiting on the mystery gift to be kind of customized for the winner...

  2. What a fun gift! I love all the purple...and yum CHOCOLATE:)

  3. I am glad you got back from San Fransisco safe and sound. Have a great week.


  4. i adore linda dillow!!! hope you like the book!

  5. What a fun package! Creative Counterpart is on my to-re-read list. I read it years ago and would love to revisit it.


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