Thursday, March 4, 2010

I really like this water bottle.

Too bad I'm not getting paid to tell you about how cool it is. HA!

I do want to share because I have a hard time finding a good water bottle. I have tried a million water bottles only to have them melt in the dishwasher, or leak.

Kind of like sippy cups.
I can't find one that I like, so we are about to be done with sippy cups in our house.

This cool bottle {made my Thermos} has a counter on the turn it every time you fill it up.

The lid really closes leaks. It even has a silver piece that locks tight.

It is cute...I picked blue because it came in a two pack for $12.99 at Target.
Gary got the second of the two pack. (individually they sold for $9.99) what a steal!

His is green, and he likes his water bottle also.
I didn't really think he'd use it, but he does. And he said he liked it. Wow!

The spout is the best part...the water just flows easily out.
I know, sounds weird, but it just makes for easy drinking.
You could drink other things out of it, but I only do water.

It is part of my getting healthier deal I have with myself.

So just in case you were looking for that perfect water bottle...
go to Target {my favorite store} and look in the exercise section.

What cool product have you recently discovered?


  1. I am actually in the market for a nice water bottle so thanks! Gives me an excuse to go to Target. I haven't found a sippy cup I like either...I feel like I've tried a bazillion!

  2. I'm going to check it out. I know exactly what you mean about how the water flows out! lol It is so hard for me to drink water. I need a FUN water bottle! Thanks.

  3. Glad you found a good one- they are hard to find. I did find a pretty decent one made by Rubbermaid that I like. The only problem is if it tips over there's a flood.

    I recently got some pan scrapers from Pampered Chef. They are amazing! Especially for cleaning the pizza pans with baked on cheese.

    Have a super day!!

  4. Target is my favorite store! I will have to get one of those water bottles...we use Nalagene now and water just goes everywhere! Thanks for the tip!

  5. I have this in purple!!!! I bought it a few months ago and LOVE it!!!

  6. Cool! I may have to go get one. Right now I'm putting rubber bands around mine at work to keep up with how many times I fill up. Kinda looks ghetto though. heehee

  7. I got these for us before our big CA trip this past summer. We each have one. I was upset that they only had 4 colors b/c we need 5. Poor Drew didn't get one. The rest of us LOVE them. And lucky you getting them in a 2 pack. I had to pay $9.99 for each one. But they are totally worth it.

  8. I might have to suffer through Target for that...I'm always on the lookout for a good water bottle. And I hear you about the sippy cups. Argh!

  9. I will be checking these out today. We are always looking for a water bottle that doesn't leak, and with baseball starting Drew really needs a good one. Thanks for the tip!

  10. I bought that same set for my boys at the beginning of Upward season. They love them! It has been my favorite water bottle that I have ever bought for them. Plus it's BPA Free.

    What's funny is I've never tried it out for myself. I may have to go back and get one for me and hubby. Another funny thing is I didn't know it had a counter on the side. I ran out to the car just now to get my boys and saw it! I love that...and probably never would have noticed it so thanks for sharing!

  11. I bought one of those stainless steel bottle a few months ago, and I don't really like it! It has a weird opening that makes it akward to drink out of! I may have to look for that water bottle during one of my many trips to Target next week:)

  12. That is cool! I'm always looking for a better water bottle!

  13. I use a VERY pink nalgene and I just don't think I could part with it. BUT, if I ever DO part with it I know what to get. It does look pretty rock solid! As for a new product hmmmmmmmmmm. I did find deodorant without aluminum in it.

  14. I posted an entire post about a water bottle too!! Doesn't it make you ant to drink more water bottle!

  15. i have that one in pink! love me some target :)


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