Saturday, March 27, 2010

it is safe to say...

i love taking pictures of fences.

not only that, but i love fences.

i love that they keep things in and/or out.

my blog header is proof of my fence fixation.

it has been around for while, the header and the fixation :o)

what do you like to photograph?

have a great Saturday!


  1. leaves..i love to photograph leaves esp when there are tiny buds about to flower!

    that and babies...but my babies never sit still long enough. ha ha

    love ur header...just noticed...

  2. between the neighbor's dog that incessantly tries to eat ours, and this post, we are in desperate need of a fence!!! : )

  3. Now I see the fence love...I've never paid attention before. I love flowers and landscaping.

  4. other than my boys...

    i love taking pics of flowers or landscapes!!!

  5. Love fences! and doors! I always wish I had my camera when I'm out and about and see some really great doors to buildings and houses! I keep thinking I'm going to go on a venture with my camera photographing doors! Weird? haha! Great pics! Oh...and of course I can't get enough pics of my kids! ;)

  6. I love taking pictures of my students and my daughter Angie.

    I tagged you in a post today.

  7. i love to photograph people... but when they aren't looking. i love the candidness and realness of shots like those.


I love hearing from you!