Tuesday, March 2, 2010

loving her some technology...

...and teaching 'bubba' too!

Layla loves the computer and is such a great teacher when it comes to her brother.
He doesn't sit still long, but while he does she tries to show him how it is done!

Here they are playing some games at NickJr.com.

Some of her other favorites are Starfall.com, PlayhouseDisney and PBSkids.org.

What websites do your kids check out that Layla might like?

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  1. we have ventured on the nick jr. site but Will is still young. although Will is totally into the thomas the train site...loves looking at the trains and they do have some games on there.

    so cute that she is teaching him the computer!

  2. My daughter is really into BellaSara.com you can care for your horse and play games. Also the Webkinz site but you have to find a code. I usually have to help with that site. She like Word girl too. Blessings!

  3. My boys love the JumpStart website. And my sister {who is a teacher} introduced them to Starfall.com and they love it too! Plus that is one of the websites that Henry's school uses!

  4. How cute!! Those are the web sites my kids loved.


  5. Our kids like Sprout online too. Caleb actually enjoys the computer the most but we have to keep a close eye on him. I love that Layla has a teaching heart.

  6. Awww.. as a computer nerd this melts my heart. Too cute!

  7. How sweet!

    My daughter plays on LittlestPetShop.com and a Beanie Baby site. Of course, we also have the educational sites for homeschooling.

    Here's one for the wee ones : http://kneebouncers.com/

  8. Rhiannon would sit on the computer all day if I would let her...and if she wasnt at school of course

  9. when my nephew was too little to play computer I would Google images of dinosaurs, his favorite, and just let him look! I've also found good coloring pages you can print out and have kids color, but besides nick jr im not sure what else! cute pictures! =)

  10. Layla is a good helper and a great teacher! I really haven't introduced internet to my kids yet!! lol!

  11. So cute! They look so funny sitting at the desk together :) Emily plays on Barbie.com alot lately. And Alex plays Spellingcity.com that helps with his spelling words for school...but they like Nick too and play with their E-pets or webkinz. Kids know so much more at such an early age anymore...somewhere along the way I've turned into my mom where I don't know as much as my kids do, haha! Just like we knew more than her and couldn't figure out why it was so hard for her to get it back then!

  12. Dear Angie,

    I would suggest www.kidsknowit.com
    www.funology.com and www.funbrain.com. They are all free sites.

  13. How cute! I love them both in the same chair!

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