Friday, March 19, 2010

My lettuce ritual

I really don't care for pre-washed-bagged lettuce.

One time I was eating my salad and there was a moth in it. GAG!!
Ever since then {unless I am in a huge hurry} I wash, rinse, dry, cut and spin our lettuce.

I start with 2 heads of green leaf lettuce. I wash it and rinse it with water.

Then I lay it on towels. I stack lettuce, towel, lettuce, towel. I roll them up like burritos.

Then I let them sit for a couple of hours.

After I unroll the leaves I lay the separated pieces in

a large bowl and cut then into small pieces with scissors.

After that I spin the pieces in the salad spinner.

It seems like it should be dry because of the several hours of towel soaking,
but after I cut it, it is usually still a bit damp.

I store it in an huge airtight Tupperware with a few paper towels to soak up more moisture. It usually lasts us a little over a week.

It is a ton of work, but so worth it every time we eat a salad. Lately we have been eating a ton of salad. I'm sure we will eat it even more with spring and summer approaching.


I was so excited about our spring weather, but tomorrow is going to be cold again.
Will it ever end???
This summer I'm gonna try to bite my tongue when I want to complain about how hot it is!
I'll try to think back to our ridiculously cold winter.

Happy Friday Y'all!!


  1. i've heard such terrible things about bag lettuce! i need to do what you do. i'm very impressed... you are a lettuce preparing connoiseur. oh, and a moth?! yikes!

  2. Okay, your moth in the lettuce bag is grossing me out! I like to buy the shredded stuff for tacos and sandwhiches! I want a salad spinner:) And it is getting chilly here heater kicked on this morning for the first time all week!

  3. i love our salad spinner! soo helpful. i'm a bit of a extreme salad washer as well...its a must or else i won't be able to eat it. thanks for sharing!!

  4. i do the same thing..only i cut my lettuce finely with a large knife!!

    i love salads :o)

  5. I will have to try that, the bag always taste funny to me. I don't have a salad spinner though. UGH too to the's supposed to dip back down next week. I'm ready for hot (I think).

  6. Hello! I'm coming from TGC.

    I love salads but your post reminded me to do more washing next time. Thanks for sharing!

    Mrs. M

  7. I will have to try your ritual. I need to eat more salads. :0)

    Thanks for linking up with Friday Follow and so glad you joined in this week! I am already your blog follower. Have a terrific weekend.

    ~ Lynn

  8. I found a moth in our pre-packaged spinach once. Ick.

    It is a time consuming process, but so worth it, like you said. I'll have to roll it in towels before spinning it, that seems like a step I need to add.

    Have a great weekend!!

  9. Hi! great post! I work in a produce dept...and I've seen it all. Thanks for the little ritual tip, I will share it with my customers!

  10. Does seem like a process, but sounds totally worth it! Who doesn't love a nice fresh salad in the warm weather? Thanks for the tips =)

  11. I need one of those!! Following you back from Friday Follow!!

  12. Eek I was just going to make a salad with bagged I might think twice. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  13. It's better to be on the safe side then to eat gritty yucky lettuce! I loved this tutorial!! Hope you are having a great weekend!


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