Monday, March 15, 2010

My Mini Me

I was looking through my pictures the other day and came across this picture of Layla & I.
I just love this little girl. She makes me so happy!
I can't believe that she will be going to kindergarten in the fall.


  1. Such a sweet picture! She looks a whole lot like you:) Grant starts Kindergarten next year too...then it will just be me and Eli hanging out at home!

  2. aww, a mommy and her baby girl! so presh. i'm going to be a wreck when my baby starts kindergarten!

  3. What a great mommy/daughter pic...I was ok with my first and second going to K5, but I was very sad when my baby started this fall.

  4. That's the cutest picture, she is a beautiful little girl!

  5. She is so pretty! You must be very proud of her. Have a great week!

  6. What a wonderful picture of you guys!

  7. So sweet...and she really is your mini-you!

  8. I love that pic! There is something about a momma and her girl that is so special. You guys are adorable...she looks so much like you!

  9. So adorable! Yes, definitely a mini you...that is amazing! I love it! It will be so hard when she goes to Kindergarten, I teared up when Alex went...then I enjoyed the peace and quiet! haha! They grow up too fast!

  10. Oh my goodness... you are both just SO cute!! You look so much alike! :)



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