Wednesday, March 10, 2010

new obsession

Our little man is indeed a little man!

His new favorite toy is this basket ball.

He also has a Thomas the train ball.
He realized that the Thomas ball has a train on it.

Wow, our house was loud yesterday...

"ba...choo choo BA!

Two of his favorite words :)

His little voice makes my ears happy!

Remind me of that in a year or so when he chatters non-stop with his super loud sister...heehee!

We had a great day yesterday playing in the sunshine! It was 75 degrees and wonderful!!

Spring is HERE!


  1. 75!!! Oh the envy. Hayden is so adorable and I remember loving the little voice at that age (and honestly, I still do). I'll have to say I knew his when, when he's a big basketball star.

  2. my little one loves 'backet-balls' or any kind of ball for that matter :o)

    75??? so jealous

  3. yippee for spring! your little man is presh... definitely a boy! love it.

  4. such cute photos!

    a ball...a train can't go wrong there!

  5. He's such a doll! Wow! 75 degrees? That is amazing! Happy Spring!

  6. i love my boys too! i can't wait to find out what we're having. is it more princess crowns and tutus or do i get to go out and buy all new trucks and trains (sadly my boys have moved on)

  7. That little ball is just his size! Charlie's obsessed with balls too. We had the sunniest day yesterday and now it's back to cool and rainy. Boo.

  8. I love little boys when they discover to play ball! Really cute photos.

  9. Such a cutie! Eli's favorite word is ball too and we can't go in the store without him finding at least one ball {even if it is really an orange}!

  10. Angie,

    I just love the pictures of your children that you share. Hayden is absolutely precious! I look forward to seeing him grow.

  11. It sounds like everyone is so happy! I love to hear that! A boy and his ball and a girl and her journal, sounds like hours of fun.


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