Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh My Cuteness...Look at this little face

Her name is Ponijao.

She is a movie star of sorts!

Ponijao, who lives in Namibia with her family, is one of four babies followed from birth to first steps in Thomas Balmes' BABIES, a Focus Features release.

The film Babies is so interesting to me.
We get to see the lives of four babies and the ways they grow and
develop in different areas of the world.

I am so excited to see it!!
The timing is awesome...Mother's Day weekend!

It chronicles the lives of four babies from birth to one year.
The babies live in different parts of the world, Mongolia, San Fransisco, Tokyo and of course little Ponijao from Namibia {South Africa}.

I can't wait to share the other three little faces staring in this film.

I am so excited to be part of promoting this movie!

As a Buzz Agent I will have insider info and share pictures and clips with you guys!

Take a sneak peek at the film:


  1. I want to pick her up right off the page!!!! She is just adorable.

  2. That sounds like such a fun movie! And wow..Buzz Agent sounds really offical:)

  3. Following you from Friday Follow!
    Love your header photo!
    Come check out mine! :)

  4. she is very cute but your kiddos are very very cute

  5. I cannot wait to see this movie! I saw a preview for it a while back and think that it looks adorable!

  6. What a doll face!!! Sounds like a great movie!!! Thanks for mentioning it today :)

  7. That doe sound like a really awesome movie! I'll have to check it out.

  8. She is too cute! The movie sounds pretty interesting.

  9. I am doing a post on this too! Isnt she adorable! I am a new friday follower!

  10. Found your great blog through Friday Follow. Now Following!

  11. this sounds fantastic. i want to hug that baby girl! she is such a beauty!!! what a neat movie. so glad you are filling us in on it!


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