Thursday, March 18, 2010

♣ Our green day ♣

I just love St. Patrick's Day.

Before we had kids Gary and I always did something fun to celebrate every year.
We usually had a party at our house for all our buddies. Now that we have the munchkins it is even more fun for me! I love doing fun stuff and celebrating.

I made the kids a snack plate of green marshmallows, kiwi, green goldfish, and green apples.

We had guacamole for lunch. We need an avocado tree in our backyard.

Layla and Hayden had green tea for the first time...and loved it!

Layla and I made a lime Jello pie. It is so EASY to make and low-fat!
I boiled water and added sugar free lime Jello. Then I added lite whipped cream.
After stirring it up real well, I poured it into a store bought graham cracker crust.
I refrigerated it for 4 hours~~~ Done!

We ended the day with spinach and shrimp quesadillas.

Layla thought it was so fun to eat as many things 'green' as possible.

I had high hopes of doing a fun craft, but we didn't get around to it.
I also realize that I didn't get any pictures of the kids in green. Duhhhh!
I am such a slacker!
I was really busy catching up on laundry and planning green meals, I forgot.

I did manage to catch up on laundry and get the house pretty much back in order from our trip. I also made a huge batch of 'salad'. That chore takes a whole stinkin' afternoon.

What did you do special for St. Patrick's Day yesterday?


  1. Mmm...those green foods look great! We don't usually do alot for St. Patrick's day except wear green :) Sounds like you had a great day and got lots done! I'm never caught up on laundry...we truly don't get along! :)

  2. those are the best looking green foods! yumm. now you've got me craving some guac. i totally could use an avocado tree in my yard! your spinach and shrimp quesadillas look especially delish! glad you had a good green day!

  3. All your green food sounds & looks so yummy! I don't think I got a single picture yesterday either! My kiddos had lucky charms for breakfast, green grits for lunch and shepherd's pie with green mashed potatoes for dinner. Your menu was much healthier than mine for sure!

  4. Cool food! I love guacamole and I would love to try and make it one day. And you are not a did a bunch of fun things! We don't do anything for St P Day but we may need to because Jamison was excited about it.

  5. How fun! Your green food looks yummy!!!

    Well, Larry the Leprechaun left a pot of gold for Luke. That was kind of a big deal around here. I made corned beef, potatoes and cabbage for dinner. We had company over, enjoyed our meal with some Guinness'. Lots of fun :)

    Hope you have a great day!!

  6. I love all of your recipe ideas! I didnt really do anything to celebrate...I did wear green thought...that's all that matters, right?

  7. Im going to have to remember all your fun ideas! love that!

  8. I am impressed! What a fun mama!

  9. You did so good girl!! I love all the green items and fun foods to eat!! Your a great mom!

  10. How yummmmmmyyy! Hope you have a great weekend!


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