Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our new favorite salsa

This salsa is fabulous and super fresh.
There is nothing like fresh yummy salsa and warm crispy tortilla chips.


Gary & I sort of 'rate' restaurants as to how good their salsa is.
We have always done this...we are Mexican food junkies :)

I would totally frequent this place once or twice a week,
but it is in Santa I can't. Booo!


I am going to try my hardest to copy the taste of their salsa...I don't know if I can.
But I will try to conquer the SALSA!

I was able to make the Mango Salsa seen above on Gary's Mahi Mahi fish tacos.

I have seen recipes for mango salsa, but never really cared to make it.

Until I ate it. is like the mangoes are doing a little dance in your mouth...yum!

I couldn't wait to get home to try to make some!
We ate it on grilled tuna steaks, but my favorite was with grilled salmon.
It makes a great dip too, for chips or crackers.

Just chop all these things up.

1 mango
1/2 a cucumber
1/2 onion
1 jalapeno

Add a splash or two of lime juice.
Add salt and pepper to taste.

You could add cilantro...I just didn't have it on hand.

Place in the 'fridge to let the flavors mesh together!


Have a great Thursday!


  1. girl...i think we are like twins!

    first off, mexican food is my fav and i could eat it lie!
    one week...we ate it 4 times. ha.

    and's all about the salsa!!! :o)

    i'm doing a giveaway...go check it out!!

  2. oh my! this sounds divine. i love mangos.

  3. Well...up until about 2 minutes ago, I couldnt figure out what I wanted for lunch..but now I know! Mexican it is! I totally rate the restaurant on the salsa too and my favorite local place is called La Hacienda...of my mouth is watering. Good thing it's not close to my office or I would be having it everyday for lunch!

  4. I judge mexican restaurants by their salsa too. I love Mexican!

  5. salsa salsa salsa...i could eat it on everything all day long! ok now i'm craving my fav mexican food restaurant just for the salsa! ha ha

  6. We are mexican food junkies too! And our tiny little town is getting it's very own mexican rest. soon! I think we are going to be eating chips and salsa like three times a week now:)

  7. Thanks for sharing this! I have a hubby who hearts anything mexican...I swear he could eat it two-three times a week! I will have to try this.

  8. I'm a huge fan of homemade salsa...and this looks yummy!

  9. Yum! I love all types of salsa, but I've never had the mango one. Looks tasty!


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