Wednesday, March 31, 2010

sharing her party with him

This morning was Layla's Easter egg hunt at preschool.

On Monday her teachers invited the younger siblings to join in on the fun. I wasn't sure how Layla would react to that. I asked her if she wanted Hayden to hunt Easter eggs with her at school. She said "I love my brother, and I'd love to help him look for eggs." Yeay!

Hayden did great...he only knocked his basket over once.

Layla found her eggs quickly.

Thank goodness...her basket kept breaking.

Her construction paper bunny ears were cracking me up!
They were flopping around like crazy.

Hayden got a bit side tracked at times, but mostly hunted his eggs and seemed to have fun.

I love this picture of Layla...she is very serious!

Fun times!


  1. What a sweetie! I love the bunny ears too! Grant and Henry both have egg hunts at school tomorrow, but no younger siblings are allowed:( Eli will be chilling with my sister instead!

  2. Oh how I miss those cute little events already! Her bunny ears are hilarious! Love it! So much fun! I loved when Alex and Emily were in preschool at the same time because they did alot of things like that together! They are only 20 months apart and just one grade apart in school. Wonder how that will be as they get older! ;)
    {I think first grade homework is alot of work, already! Alex has a Science Fair project due in a few weeks! I miss preschool!}

  3. That's great that the teachers invited the little ones too. It's nice when everyone is included. Looks like they had a lot of fun.

  4. I love how she was so cool with Hayden precious. Looks like a really fun event.

  5. You have some serious cuteness going on right there. The bunny ears are totally awesome.

  6. such beauties! i mean, ahem, one beauty and one handsome! it's so sweet that she was happy to have her bro come to the hunt!

  7. They are adorable!

    My Mom hid Easter eggs for us every year...there was ALWAYS one in my slipper! LOL

  8. How precious! They look adorable Angie!

  9. Those bunny ears are the cutest ever!

  10. What a great party!! They both look adorable!


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