Friday, March 12, 2010


Gary is a huge mushroom fan.

His favorite thing ever...stuffed mushrooms.

Me...uughhh. Not a mushroom fan.

It is a consistency thing, and to me they are slimy. But they are growing on me.

I took the stems out of 12 mushrooms and stuffed them full of stuff.

The Stuff = chopped artichoke hearts, chopped roasted red peppers, chopped onions, cilantro and bread crumbs. [sorry i didn't measure anything] I also added salt, pepper, cumin and Cajun spices.
I baked them for about 20 minutes at 350.

Then, I topped them with shredded Cheddar/Monterrey jack cheeses and baked for another 5 minutes.

I tried my concoction and actually liked it.

Do you have a good stuffed mushroom recipe?


  1. I LOVE mushrooms! My kids actually like them too! Random! I haven't made stuffed mushrooms in forever. I usually just saute them and serve it over steak or chicken. If you saute them slowly over low heat in a large pan with lots of butter, they will come so good and not slimy at all! I may have to make stuffed mushrooms this weekend!

  2. i want to try this! my hubby hates mushrooms... i love them. we have a similar dilemma at our house! maybe he'll like your concoction!

  3. I am not a fan of mushrooms! I think it is the texture and the thought of eating fungus:)

  4. Im not a mushroom fan's the texture thing. But maybe I will get my courage up and try it!

  5. I LOVE mushrooms! A restaurant that used to be around her (Houlihans) had the BEST shrooms. I wonder if I could find their recipe. Thanks for sharing this. I had to giggle when you said grow on you!

  6. I loooove mushrooms! I am going to try to your recipe!

  7. i LOVE mushrooms...

    but, my hubby isn't a big fan.

    these look so good!!!

  8. I love 'em!! I have 2 "recipes" to share.

    1. Artichoke Parmesan Dip from Costco. Can't remember the oven temp but it's about 20 minutes.

    2. I mix the following in my food processor then stuff the mushrooms and bake them.

    Cooked Jimmy Dean Sausage
    Cream Cheese
    Bread Crumbs
    Salt/Pepper/Garlic Salt
    Whatever else sounds good
    Sprinkle with fresh Parmesan at the end of cooking time, put back in oven so cheese melts.

    I've added blue cheese dressing to the mix before and it's good. I do a whole tube of sausage and full package of cream cheese. If I hate too much filling I freeze it for next time and it's great.
    Super good!

    And I am so glad you're enjoying your chocolates :) Those are my fav's!!


  9. Forgot to add, I'm doing another giveaway on Monday :)

  10. We are big mushroom fans over here...yum!

  11. I am so not a mushroom fan, but those look yummy! maybe I can try it out =)

  12. you were so sweet to make those even though you don't really like them. what a good wife!

  13. They look so good...but Im not a shroom lover either

  14. Yum, I love mushrooms. My husband on the other hand does not, so I don't have them that often. I think I have to try these though, they look great!


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