Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Our Monday fun day!

We have waited so long...

to swing in the sun!

See that thing up there?

Hayden is pointing at the sun! I am sure of it!

We are all happy to see the bright shiny sun!

We spent all of Monday afternoon outside...sliding, swinging,
riding in the jeep and playing in the sandbox.

And having a Popsicle!

It was a wonderful day and I am so thankful for springtime :)

I have read several other bloggers comments on the weather in
Texas...It is like a box of chocolates.
I agree, but am hoping for more spring weather.

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  1. What a day...the first outings are always the best. And there's nothing like a Popsicle outside!!!

  2. It is still a little chilly here! But I think it is supposed to warm up today, and then start raining on Thursday! A box of chocolates is a great description of the weather we have been having too!

  3. looks like a wonderful day was had!

    more spring weather...yes please!

  4. isn't it just great???!!!!

    i love this weather!!!

    happy spring girl :)

  5. yes living in the "bipolar" state is such a mess!!!

    I love the popsicle pic!!!!

  6. So glad the sun is shining for a nice day! Looks like fun.

  7. it will be 70 here tomorrow. YEAH!

    And those kiddos are just TOO cute Angie.

  8. Today is such a pretty day! We enjoyed swinging today and enjoying the weather!

  9. I am with you on the Springtime! Love this time of year. Especially if you have kids or in my case, nanny a few! ;-) So many more activities to do when you aren't kept in the house all day.

  10. That looks like a great day of playing outside!! Hayden is looking so much like a big little boy, they grow up so fast!


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