Thursday, April 1, 2010

20 pics of our 20 month old

A week ago today [March25th] Hayden turned 20 months old.

He is the busiest little man on the planet! I feel like I am always chasing him around.
It HAS to be aiding in my weight loss :)

Hayden loves...

to push things around the house.
I set the shopping cart up for him to push like normal...using the wheels.
Ummm no...he pushed it this way.

to ride in the jeep with Sissy!

to get his picture taken
and is a wonderful traveler in the car.

to climb up on the window in his room and mess with the blinds.
This was taken during our last snow of the season.

to point at airplanes.

to push his four wheeler.
He rarely rides on it.

to drink a juice box in 2.5 seconds.

to hang out with his Sissy.
and do what she does...sometimes good, sometimes bad.

to climb in and out of his big boy bed.
drives me nuts...he thinks he knows when he should and shouldn't sleep.

to swing.

to play in the sandbox

to help daddy.

to be pulled in the wagon.

to throw fit and hold his breath.
Well, he probably doesn't love it, but you'd think he did as often as he does it!

to climb up the ladder leading to the slide.
and doesn't want help. don't even try to touch him.

to make a total mess of himself while eating.
in this picture he used his corn dog as a paint brush on his face

to slide!!!

to point at airplanes
Yes, I know I already said that, but he really loves airplanes :)

to make a mess.
and then when you catch him he acts like he is scrubbing the floor with the wipes.
big helper!

to use his facial expressions to crack us up daily!

I love this little face!!!


  1. What a cutie! I bet he and Eli could make a huge mess together:) I love the he painted his face with a corndog something that would happen at my house!

  2. That is the cutest post ever! You really captured him in all his glory. He is adorable...and I know what you mean about the juice box, amazing!

  3. He is such a doll face! So many of the things you mentioned remind me of my little Lukie. Thanks for sharing, a great way for me to start my day :)

    Happy Easter to you all!!

  4. Cute, cute pictures!! I love the FIT one...and Layla laughing at him in the background!! So familiar! Precious kiddos!

  5. so cute!!!

    i thought john daniel was the only one that could drink a juice box that fast!!!
    it's craziness :o)

  6. Absolutely adorable!! Makes me miss when my little man was that age..

  7. Those facial expressions are so cute! I love kids at this age.

  8. CUTE POST!! I love how Layla is laughing at him in the background on the one where he's throwing a fit.

  9. He is so stinking cute! Love all these pictures! He is one busy little boy!

  10. These are adorable. I have a virtual Easter basket for you on my blog. It is a really neat fundraiser. Check it out.

  11. Happy 20 months Hayden!

    He is adorable!

  12. So CUTE! I wish I had all those special moments when my kids were that cute and funny and stubborn :) Precious! I love Layla's 'happy' face while he's throwing a fit, heehee! Great pics! They sure grow up too fast!


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