Friday, April 9, 2010

Banana yummy~ness

I had some really ripe bananas I really needed to use.
The kids weren't gonna touch them with a 10 foot pole.
If it even has a speck of brown Layla is OUT!

I accidentally bought a container of vanilla Greek yogurt. I wanted the regular kind, but picked up vanilla. I am always surprised when I get home from the grocery store. Something gets put in the shopping cart by little hands, or I am too busy swatting at little hands that I throw something in the cart that isn't correct.
Anyway, the yogurt is good stuff, but not what I wanted.

So, I just started throwing stuff into a bowl the other day...sort of my adaptation of sour cream banana bread, but with yogurt. And--I didn't want to use a loaf pan, so it almost looks like banana cake. The kids think it is cake...heehee!

What you will need:

1/4 cup butter
2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
3 very ripe bananas {mine were almost brown}
1 {16oz} container of Greek vanilla yogurt
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
2tsp baking soda
2 1/2 cups of flour

What to do:

Cream butter and sugar.
Mix in eggs and mashed bananas.
Add yogurt, vanilla and cinnamon.
Add baking soda and flour.
Stir like crazy.
Bake @ 300 for 1 hour and 5 minutes.

I couldn't stop sampling the 'cake'
It is very good...and super moist.
And yummy and I put all the ingredients into the
Weight Watcher recipe builder and it is about 2 points per slice
if you cut the cake into 28 pieces.

This recipe is very unlike me.
I usually follow recipes to the letter...I am just wired that way.
BUT this time I just made stuff up as I glad I did :)

Happy Friday!


  1. I love any kind of banana bread! I will have to try this!

  2. im very impressed missy!! :o)

    looks heavenly!!

    great job!

  3. Yummy! That does look SUPER moist, if there is one thing I can't stand it's DRY cake! blugh!

  4. Love your new pictures at the top of your blog! Very cute! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Sounds great. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Looks yummy! Another recipe to add to my new collection. Thanks. Have a great weekend.

  6. Yum! I just drooled on my keyboard!

    Thanks for the recipe!

  7. I have some very ripe bananas....I should go try this right now.

    Come see me soon.

  8. This looks so yummy! We love banana anything, and this looks like a great recipe to use when bananas are on the verge of going bad. thanks for sharing!

  9. was this cake dense or fluffy?

    looks yummy in the pic.
    i made banana bread yesterday and need something healthier than my recipe.


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