Friday, April 16, 2010

Because you wanted to know...

the contents of a 4 year old girl's purse.

a necklace of lip gloss

2 pairs of shades

a ring, cat ring, cat figurine, and {fake} lip stick

Oh, don't forget the bouncy ball and bracelet.

You just never know when you might need to throw a ball around
while wearing a few rings, a necklace of lip gloss, and two pairs of shades.

{that's where daddy's chap-stick went}

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  1. this looks just like what's inside my 9 yr old sister's purse. except she has a collection of empty gift cards that she steals at every visit to target or walmart. it looks like that's what's in your future in a few years.

  2. LOL! That is too funny! Now you need to empty out Hayden's pockets and see how many rocks and bugs he has in there:)

  3. She is such a movie star with her two pair of shades...adorable.

  4. That is almost exactly what I have in my purse. :) You have such a diva on your hands.

  5. well at least you didn't find your credit card... i bet those days are coming for us huh? :o)

  6. How cute! I have many of those things in my purse, too. Probably a bouncy ball of Luke's, too!

    I remember seeing those things in my daughter's purse when she was that age, too.

    Have a super day!! And stop by for Caffeinated Randomness :)

    Hi, I'm stopping by from Andrea's blog. I love your background!! I love to read, too.

    I've been thinking about freezing meals. Do you just prepare a variety of meals at one time and put them in the freezer or make extra servings each time you make something and freeze the rest? I've been thinking of devoting a day to it and hopefully getting a month's worth done in that day.

    My heart skipped a beat when you shared that yesterday was your due date. I am so sorry for your loss, but happy for you that God has been getting you through this.

    :) Erin

  7. Love this post! Her purse sounds like so much more fun than mine...Maybe we can switch!! lol Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. You just never know when youre gonna need a bouncy ball

  9. Ha, so cute!!!! :) All the necessities you'll ever need right there!!!

  10. pretty soon it will be the car keys as well!

  11. isn't it hilarious what they put in their purses! So fun!!


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