Thursday, April 8, 2010

botanic garden

yesterday we went on a field trip with layla's preschool

holy moly look at the size of those fish

i was so excited about the possible photo session for the kids, but it didn't happen.
layla was running around with her buddies. i was getting a workout
pushing the stroller up and down the hills. i was so stinkin' tired when we left.

after our trip to the garden we went to a near by park for a picnic.
about the time we got our lunch all set up it started raining...booo!
honestly i didn't even know it was supposed to rain.

despite the rain we had a great time :)


  1. That looks like a really neat place! And yay for getting a workout while pushing the stroller:) We did a church trip to the zoo one summer and as soon as everyone unpacked their lunch, it started pouring on us!

  2. Wow...what a pretty place to visit! Looks like it was a wonderful day up until it rained.

  3. What a beautiful place!!

  4. Ahh Spring in Texas. You never know when a shower is going to pop up. Beautiful place!

  5. How pretty! I love those little cottages by the water. In Spokane, where I live, we have a Japanese Garden, similar to your Botanical Garden. Absolutely gorgeous. When the weather gets nicer I'll go up there and then post on it. They have big fish, too, but their like those super big goldfish.

  6. Man that would have been a great place for a photo shoot... maybe you guys can go back again just as a family!

  7. It rained randomly where I live this week too! Weird. Those are great pictures, what a great field trip!

  8. That looks so peaceful and beautiful!

  9. What a pretty got some great pics! I miss going on field trips with the kiddos. We had some doozy thunderstorms yesterday...sorry your picnic was rained out but looked like a great field trip!

  10. That place looks beautiful.

    And holy cow those are some big fish...yikes!

  11. What a fun outing! The idea of a picnic sounds lovely.

  12. Love the botanical gardens! It's so great for pictures. I think this weekend we are going to the arts festival in downtown Fort Worth, if we can find a baby sitter :P

  13. How beautiful... great pics!!! :)


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